
Lady Bites Into McDonald's Burger Bursting With Maggots

Lady Bites Into McDonald's Burger Bursting With Maggots

An Iowa woman got more than a mouthful when she bit into a McDonald’s burger. She also got some extra protein, thanks to the maggots crawling around inside it. [More]

Maggots Cleansed From McDonald's Coffee Maker

Maggots Cleansed From McDonald's Coffee Maker

If you live in Lansing, Michigan, you can stop worrying: there are now no maggots in the McDonald’s coffee machine. [More]

Reduce Fat By Ordering Pizza With Double Tomato And Light Cheese

Reduce Fat By Ordering Pizza With Double Tomato And Light Cheese

One way to cut down on the fat on your next pizza pie while keeping the flavor is to order it with double tomato sauce and light cheese. Just reducing the mozz by one-third saves you 20 g of fat per pie, equal to the amount in a McDonald’s Quarter Pounder. [More]

The Candwich Is Real! Sorta.

The Candwich Is Real! Sorta.

I thought the Candwich was a hoagie-in-the-sky scheme stringing along hapless, and, sometimes, unwitting, investors, but here’s some video of actual market-ready sandwiches rolling off the Mark One production line. Unfortunately, instead of a pre-made sandwich in a can, they are simply sandwich ingredients in a can, consisting of a bagged bun with a packet of jelly and a packet of peanut butter. This is not the future I was looking forward to. [More]

Calorie Count Rules Coming To Theaters, Airplanes, Convenience Stores, Supermarket Food Courts

Calorie Count Rules Coming To Theaters, Airplanes, Convenience Stores, Supermarket Food Courts

The FDA says the law that requires restaurant chains with more than 20 locations to post calorie counts also applies to other types of businesses, reports the Wall Street Journal. Specifically, movie theaters, airplanes, trains, food courts in grocery stores, and convenience stores are all considered chains and will soon have to start following the law. The agency hasn’t made up its mind yet whether things like salad bars in grocery stores will have to fall in line. The FDA will announce official guidelines in December. [More]

Get A Free Flu Shot At CVS After Spending $30 On P&G Stuff

Get A Free Flu Shot At CVS After Spending $30 On P&G Stuff

CVS is doing a deal now where you can get a free flu shot after you spend $30 on qualifying P&G products like Bounty, Tide, and Pampers. Sorry, MA, NY, NJ, HI and Puerto Rico, the offer is not valid in your states. Check your local store for details. [More]

Would You Rather Be Richer, Thinner, Smarter Or Younger?

Would You Rather Be Richer, Thinner, Smarter Or Younger?

Imagine if you will that you are standing before four doorways, each of which could magically improve one facet of your life — wealth, waistline, IQ, youth. You can only go through one doorway; which one do you choose? [More]

Banker Undergoes Surgery For Using iPhone Too Much

Banker Undergoes Surgery For Using iPhone Too Much

Tendons in a mortgage banker’s thumb became so inflamed from excessive iPhone use that she had to get the tendons surgically removed. [More]

Music Makes You Exercise Harder

Music Makes You Exercise Harder

In a recent study, scientists had participants ride stationary bikes while listening to music at normal speed, at 10% slower tempo and 10% higher tempo. When “the music was played faster,” researchers wrote, “the participants chose to accept, and even prefer, a greater degree of effort.” Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to my Zumba class. [More]

What Happens To A Cheeseburger In Hydrochloric Acid?

What Happens To A Cheeseburger In Hydrochloric Acid?

Some British scientists dunked a cheeseburger in hydrochloric acid to see what happens. This video is the result. [More]

Penis Pump Medicare Billing Fraud Scheme Deflated

Penis Pump Medicare Billing Fraud Scheme Deflated

Several Miami businessman were indicted for fraudulently billing Medicare for penis pumps. In one instance, the company billed Medicare for four different penis pumps for one female patient. “That,” said a Medicare spokesman, “we should have caught.” [More]

Brand Name Drug Prices Rise Significantly In Past Year

Brand Name Drug Prices Rise Significantly In Past Year

Here’s yet another reason to go for generic drugs when you can: drug makers keep raising prices on brand name products. If you group generics and brand names together, drug prices rose by 3.4% in 2009, according to an industry report. However, if you look at just brand name drugs as the AARP did in a new report, the average price hike was 8.3%. An earlier AARP report from May points out that if you look at specialty drugs “widely used by people in Medicare” then the hike jumps to 9.2%. [More]

Drink Water Before Eating And Consume Fewer Calories

Drink Water Before Eating And Consume Fewer Calories

Drinking two cups of water before eating results in consuming 75 to 90 fewer calories per meal on average, a new study finds. [More]

It Could Take 20 Bottles Of Tea To Get Health Benefits Of 1 Home-Brewed Cup

It Could Take 20 Bottles Of Tea To Get Health Benefits Of 1 Home-Brewed Cup

Bottled tea has seen a substantial increase in recent years as more people turn to it as a purportedly healthier alternative to sodas and energy drinks, but a new study claims that if you’re really out to get the health benefits of tea-drinking, you’d be better off brewing it yourself. [More]

7 Clauses To Beware Of In Your Cruise Contract

7 Clauses To Beware Of In Your Cruise Contract

Cruise line contracts are drafted by the company’s lawyers and contain nothing in the way of consumer protection. For instance, if you get sick and the ship’s doctor treats you and you die, your family can’t sue the cruise line for malpractice. [More]

Research Shows The Ideal Sports Bra Has Not Been Invented

Research Shows The Ideal Sports Bra Has Not Been Invented

You know sports bras stink, and now there’s science to support it. [More]

Here's Ketchup And A Statin With Your Burger

Here's Ketchup And A Statin With Your Burger

British researchers are recommending that fast food joints pass out cholesterol-reducing statins to be consumed alongside cheeseburgers and the like in order to “neutralize” the heart risks of fatty foods. [More]

Acai Berry Company Temporarily Shut Down By FTC Over Billing Practices

Acai Berry Company Temporarily Shut Down By FTC Over Billing Practices

Last summer, Central Coast Nutraceuticals settled a deceptive practices charge from Arizona’s Attorney General by promising to pay $1.4 million in fines. Now the company, which peddles acai berry and colon cleansing products, has been forced to temporarily stop selling or marketing its wonder products completely under an injunction obtained yesterday by the FTC. [More]