A federal study examining the potential health risks of living near surface coal mining sites in Appalachia has been put on hold by the White House as it reviews its grant and agreements. [More]
health risks

RJ Reynolds Ordered To Stop Selling 4 Cigarette Brands
The nation’s top cigarette manufacturer must stop selling four products after federal regulators determined RJ Reynolds failed to show the brands did not pose increased health risks compared to items already on the market. [More]

Health Group Challenges E-Cig Makers After Tests Find High Levels Of Toxic Chemicals In Most Products
A health watchdog group took legal action against some of the country’s largest e-cigarette manufacturers for failing to properly warn consumers about the risk of such products after tests show that most produce high levels of toxic chemicals. [More]

Energy Drink Drinkers Concerned About Safety, Drink Them Anyway
You know when something’s probably bad for you, but you do it anyway? Energy shot and drink consumers certainly fall into that category now, according to one new bit of research, anyway. [More]

Study: Eat White Rice, Up Your Risk Of Suffering Type 2 Diabetes
If you’re concerned about contracting type 2 diabetes, you may want to consider laying off white rice. That’s according to Harvard School of Public Health researchers, who released a study that collected data from loads of other research to posit that people whose diets rely on white rice tend to be more at risk of being diagnosed with the condition. [More]
More People Are Dying Of Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C, a sometimes deadly disease that attacks the liver, is claiming more victims and seems to be particularly dangerous to those born between the years 1945 and 1965 — the age group in which the majority of victims fall. Health officials suggest those born between those years should have their blood checked to see if they’re affected. [More]
FDA Will Give Another Look To Weight Loss Pill Said To Cause Birth Defects, Heart Problems
Qnexa, a diet pill that some researchers say increases risks of birth defects and heart problems, is getting a second shot at making its way to the market. After rejecting the drug in 2010, the Food and Drug Administration will review Qnexa again Wednesday. [More]

FDA: Breast Implants Don't Last A Lifetime
Women who opt for breast implants may be signing up to a lifetime of follow-up surgical procedures. That’s according to the Food and Drug Administration, which says women who get implants commonly need surgery within 10 years for maintenance, such as dealing with ruptures. [More]

Heavy Beer Drinkers May Increase Risk Of Cancer
Science lends more proof to Homer Simpson’s assertion that beer is both the cause of and solution to all of life’s problems. A Spanish study found that heavy beer drinking — two or three beers a day for several years — can increase the risk of gastric cancer, especially if the drinkers possess a specific gene variant that’s present in 20 percent of the population. [More]

Is "Internet Content Screener" The World's Worst Job?
Last week I thought I’d found the job I’d hate most of all (warning: it involves sewers, a shovel, and “fat mounds”), but then I read this New York Times profile of people who are employed as Internet content screeners, which appears to be the real world equivalent of web surfing in hell. [More]

Skinny Jeans Pose Even More Health Risks
We’ve warned you before: wearing skinny jeans can lead to health problems, including the least fun tingling sensation in the thighs ever, and also can lead to exceedingly sassy customer service. Now, we have even more dire warnings about the super-tight pants: blood clots, bladder and yeast infections, and fertility and digestive problems.

FDA May Take Vicodin And Percocet Off The Market
Bad news for Dr. Greg House and other, non-fictional chronic pain patients. The FDA advisory panel that met yesterday about the effects of excessive doses of acetaminophen made another recommendation to the FDA—to take popular painkillers Vicodin and Percocet (and their generic versions) off the market because of the effect both drugs can have on the liver when taken for extended periods. The FDA will most likely follow this recommendation.
It’s been a few weeks without a BPA story, so here goes: Four parents in Ohio have sued Evenflo, Avent America, Handicraft, Playtex Products, and Novartis for using bisphenol A in their baby products. They’re seeking class action status. [Washington Post]

Darque Tan Prevents You From Dying Of Vitamin-D Deficiency
According to an article in The Daily Texan, law student Emily Prewett, has filed a complaint with the Texas Attorney General against the company Darque Tan because of their misleading and irresponsible ads. One of their television commercial begins with a man in white lab coat saying, “Science has discovered that UVB from tanning converts cholesterol into Vitamin D.” Then the narrator says, “Mmm yeah. Vitamin D-licious. Come get yours with a free week of level 1 tanning.” The TV ad and more details, inside…

Lilly Caves, Agrees To Add Warnings To Schizophrenia Drug
Zyprexa, Lilly’s best-selling drug to treat schizophrenia, has been shown to cause “cause weight gain, high blood sugar, high cholesterol and other metabolic problems,” but until now, the company has refused to add any warnings about these side effects to the label. Now, sparked in part by lower sales, Lilly has announced that Zyprexa will warn consumers that it can cause high blood sugar. The American Diabetes Association claims that Zyprexa causes diabetes, but this isn’t addressed on the new warning labels.