head on


Thanks to distinctively annoying ad campaign, HeadOn sales are up 234%. [AdAge]

Head-On Craze Reaches Boiling Point

Head-On Craze Reaches Boiling Point

Temporal Thermometer. Apply directly to the forehead!

Head-On Watch Continues

It’s been a busy week for HeadOn. After making the blog rounds, it was the subject of a Slate feature and it burbled up to national media, appearing on the Nightly News, MSNBC and NPR’s “Day to Day.”

Head-On Gives Slate Hard-On

Head-On Gives Slate Hard-On

Slate discovered everyone’s favorite ad you ad apply directly to the forehead and uncovered the method, yes there is one, behind the madness! behind the madness! behind the madness!

Redux; Head On! Apply Directly to the Forehead!

Last month we posted the commercial for Head On! – a headache relief stick that you rub on your brow. The commercial repeats “Head On! Apply Directly to the Forehead!” over and over again.

Head On!

We saw this on TV and wanted to snag it. Then we stopped watching TV. Luckily, someone else had the frame of mind to video tape this bizarre commercial for a headache relief stick that you, well, apply directly to forehead.