It was always a treat when we were allowed to get McDonald’s growing up, not only for the fast food burgers and fries but for the sugary soda that came with a Happy Meal. But McDonald’s is closing that chapter, it says, to start a new one, where it says it will only market milk, water and juice with the kids’ meals. [More]
happy meals

Judge Tosses Happy Meal Lawsuit Into The Deep Fryer
It’s been a while since we heard about that lawsuit against McDonald’s alleging that the fast food company exploits children by using toys and other kid-centric marketing techniques to get them to want Happy Meals. But earlier today, a judge in San Francisco dismissed the suit. [More]

McDonald's Fined $1.8 Million In Brazil Over Happy Meal Toys
Looks like San Francisco isn’t the only place that has a problem with McDonald’s including free toys in its Happy Meals. The fast food giant has been fined approximately $1.8 million by a Brazilian agency that claims the freebies in McDonald’s kids’ meals promotes bad eating habits in children. [More]

McDonald's Gets Around San Francisco Happy Meal Ban By Charging You For The Toy
After a seemingly endless amount of debating, various votes, a mayoral veto and whatnot, the San Francisco that puts an end to the practice of including toys and other giveaway gimmicks in Happy Meals (and many other fast food kids’ meals with similar freebies) kicks in later this week. But the folks at McDonald’s have devised a clever plan to get those Shrek movie promo toys in your little ones’ hands — by simply charging for them. [More]

McDonald's To Make Apple Slices Mandatory In Happy Meals
With at least one lawsuit pending and some municipalities trying to ban Happy Meals and other fast food kids’ meals that offer some sort of prize or gift, McDonald’s has announced that it wants to healthy-up your kids’ food by making some menu tweaks, like automatically including apple slices in Happy Meals. [More]

Why Won't McDonald's Give My Kid A Cup Of Water With Her Happy Meal?
Consumerist reader Courtney is scratching her head at the bone-headed service she’s received at multiple McDonald’s when trying to buy her 3-year-old daughter a Happy Meal. [More]

McDonald's: Happy Meal Lawsuit Should Be Dismissed Because Parents Can Always Tell Kids "No"
Last December, a California woman — along with the Center for Science in the Public Interest — filed a lawsuit against McDonald’s, alleging the fast food giant violates state laws by using toys to advertise Happy Meals directly to children. Yesterday, lawyers for the Golden Arches filed a motion to have the case dismissed because the company shouldn’t be held responsible for parents who can’t say no to their kids. [More]

CSPI Makes Good On Threat To Sue McDonald's Over Happy Meals
Almost six months ago, the Center for Science in the Public Interest gave McDonald’s an ultimatum: Remove toys from your Happy Meals or we’ll sue. Now the group has made good on its threat. [More]

Wisconsin Town Rejects Happy Meal Ban
While politicians in San Francisco go back and forth about whether or not to effectively ban the sale of kid’s meals that include toys, the city council of Superior, WI, has roundly dismissed a similar proposal. [More]

San Francisco Mayor Vetoes Happy Meal 'Ban'
San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom has made good on his earlier promises that he would veto the recently passed kids meal ban (which isn’t actually a ban, but new regulations that would effectively ban most kids meals from being sold in the city as they are currently configured). [More]

Should A Kid's Meal Have 973 Calories?
McDonald’s may be the fast food chain most are associating with the recently approved kid’s meal regulations in San Francisco, but when it comes to calories in meals targeted to youngsters, the Golden Arches is nowhere near the worst. [More]

San Francisco Officially Takes The Happy Out Of Happy Meals
After months of talking about the topic, San Francisco’s board of supervisors has gone and done it, approving a measure that would effectively end the sale of most McDonald’s Happy Meals — and most other fast food kids’ meals — within city limits. [More]

CSPI: McDonald's Happy Meal Lawsuit Will Happen In Next Couple Weeks
With so much attention being paid to San Francisco’s proposed law that would take the toys out of most kids meals, it’s easy to forget that the fast-food haters at the Center for Science In the Public Interest had given McDonald’s 30 days to remove toys from Happy Meals or face a lawsuit. That was back in June. Over 90 days ago. So what happened? [More]

San Francisco One Step Closer To Ruining Happy Meals For Little Kids
Yesterday, the proposed legislation that would remove toys from kids meals in San Francisco unless they met specific health requirement got one step closer to reality, as a board of supervisors committee recommended that the law go before the full board for a vote. [More]

San Francisco Hates Your Happy Meals
While the Center for Science in the Public Interest hasn’t yet made good on its threat to sue McDonald’s for continuing to put toys in their Happy Meals, the city of San Francisco is considering a law that could have your children asking “where’s my toy?” the next time you head to the Golden Arches and other fast food joints. [More]

Parents Group Calls Happy Meal Version Of The Human Torch A "Horrifying Spectacle"
I’m having trouble telling whether the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood is serious, or whether someone at the organization saw that Venture Brothers episode and got confused, so I’ll just describe what they’re doing and you can decide for yourselves. The group has launched a letter writing campaign to demand that McDonald’s stop giving out Marvel superhero toys, specifically The Thing and The Human Torch, because they’re too violent. [More]

CSPI Wants To Make Your McDonald's Happy Meal Sad
Perennial buzzkills at the Center for Science in the Public Interest have decided to set their sights on McDonald’s, issuing the fast food giant an ultimatum: Stop putting toys in their Happy Meals in the next 30 days or face a lawsuit. [More]

California County Wants To Take The Toy Out Of Your Happy Meal
If your kids pester you into purchasing McDonald’s Happy Meals, they could be severely disappointed the next time they visit Santa Clara County in California, where the county supervisors have voted to pass a law forbidding toys in Happy Meals and other fast food kids meals that don’t meet the county’s nutritional guidelines. [More]