When you pay in advance for tickets to a food festival, you expect an event that serves large quantities of said food, right? Yet people who bought tickets to pizza and burger festivals held in Brooklyn on Saturday found tiny and cold slices of pizza, warm drinks, and a long wait before they could even get to that subpar food. [More]

Bear Who Ripped Bumper Off Doughnut Delivery Car Is All Of Us
If you’ve ever felt so hungry and angry at the same time — otherwise known as “hangry” — that you will do just about anything to get your hands on something to eat, perhaps you can commiserate with a bear in Colorado that ripped the bumper off a doughnut delivery vehicle in his desperate hunt for a treat. [More]

Angry Wendy’s Customer Arrested For Biting Manager For Mixed-Up Order
Fast food restaurants occasionally mix orders up; that’s why most of us spot-check our food before leaving. And while it’s acceptable to be a little perturbed when your order is wrong, it’s not acceptable to express your discontent by biting the manager.

Science Validates The Role Of Snacks In Keeping Couples From Going To Bed “Hangry”
You know that feeling where if you don’t get something in your stomach right this very minute you are going to chuck the entire contents of this dresser against the wall, so help me? Being hungry can make you extra angry, say scientists who are doing us all a huge favor by validating the phrase “hangry,” meaning you should have a snack if you’re in a spat with your significant other to counter that phenomenon. [More]