After a hard day’s work, what’s better than coming home to a nice cold bottle of hard apple cider (or some people might think, anyway). You know what’s not nice? When that bottle breaks or overflows upon opening. For that reason, Angry Orchard Cider Co. has recalled select cases of its adult beverages. [More]
handle with care?

Angry Orchard Recalls Hard Cider Because Beer Bottles Aren’t Supposed To Break When You Open Them

Amazon’s Stupid Shipping Gang Nestles Roll Of Bubble Wrap In Kraft Paper
Look, Amazon doesn’t know what Alexis wanted a roll of bubble wrap for. Maybe she just wants it to wrap up breakable items before placing them in a box to move, store, or mail. Or maybe she’s a collector of rare and precious bubble wraps, and needs to keep the rolls in mint condition with no risk of damage and not a single bubble popped. [More]

UPS Has A “Circle Of Honor” For Drivers Who Go 25 Years Without An Accident
Considering your average driver — the person who doesn’t spend her entire workday behind the wheel — can barely go a decade without getting into some sort of fender-bender, it’s an accomplishment when people who drive all day, every day in a large brown truck can go decades without a ding on their driving records. [More]

Target & UPS Try To Destroy My Dyson During Shipping
It’s a conspiracy! At least according to Consumerist reader Terrance, who says Target’s poor packing job combined with UPS paltry efforts to handle his Dyson with care resulted in a sham of an attempt to deliver his product intact. [More]