hack attack

Credit Card Data Breach Confirmed At Trump Hotels

Credit Card Data Breach Confirmed At Trump Hotels

Hotel properties owned by Donald Trump’s Trump Organization are the latest consumer-facing businesses to become the subject of a cybercrime, with the company acknowledging that a data breach has occurred at locations run by the Trump Hotel Collection. [More]

Paul Thompson

Did The St. Louis Cardinals Hack Houston Astros’ Front Office? FBI Investigating

Major League Baseball is a huge business and much of a team’s financial success depends on its ability to win on the field. So the idea of one team possibly breaching another team’s network to get information on player personnel isn’t very different from two rival manufacturers trying to steal trade secrets. That’s why the FBI is investigating claims that the St. Louis Cardinals might have hacked into the computer network for the Houston Astros’ front office. [More]

LastPass Asks Users To Update Master Password After “Suspicious Activity”

LastPass Asks Users To Update Master Password After “Suspicious Activity”

LastPass is a service that manages your logins by remembering your passwords, so you can imagine the havoc that could be wreaked if someone were to hack the company’s database and get at all that juicy, luscious login info. In a new blog post, the company says it has no reason to believe that any passwords have been compromised, but some data may have been and LastPass is now prompting users to update their master passwords. [More]

4 Million Federal Employees Are The Latest Victims Of A Massive Data Breach

4 Million Federal Employees Are The Latest Victims Of A Massive Data Breach

There are millions of federal employees in the country, and not just in Washington, DC. The government is a big bureaucracy and a big employer — and that makes it a nice, juicy target for a big data breach. [More]

Big Credit Card Data Breach Hits Bars And Restaurants Using Harbortouch Point-of-Sale Systems

Big Credit Card Data Breach Hits Bars And Restaurants Using Harbortouch Point-of-Sale Systems

In much of the country, this is the first truly warm week of the year. The change of seasons has us turning to shorts, dresses, sandals, and chilled fruity drinks served in rooftop bars. But data breaches, alas, are always in style, and buying that beverage may land you with a stolen credit card number. [More]

Jon Fingas

PlayStation Network Users Report Hacked Accounts, Terrible Options From Sony

If you use PlayStation Network, Sony’s online platform for buying games and downloadable content for games, consider not keeping payment information on file and changing your password. It’s bad enough that stories of hacked accounts have surfaced in recent days, but these users report that Sony has given them no good options: they can eat hundreds of dollars’ worth of purchases, or lose access to their PSN accounts…forever. [More]

Anthem Says Data From As Far Back As 2004 Exposed During Hack, Offering Free Identity Theft Protection

Anthem Says Data From As Far Back As 2004 Exposed During Hack, Offering Free Identity Theft Protection

A week after health insurer Anthem announced that it was the latest victim of a security breach, the company revealed that hackers had access to tens of millions of customers’ data going back as far as 2004. [More]

Today In Social Media Hacks: Delta, Newsweek, And CFO Of Twitter Really Need To Change Their Passwords

Today In Social Media Hacks: Delta, Newsweek, And CFO Of Twitter Really Need To Change Their Passwords

Social media tools are an effective way for businesses and bigwigs to communicate with their customers… that is, as long as those companies or people are in charge of their own accounts. When hackers “borrow” their social presences, much less good things can happen. And today at least three high-profile accounts found that out the hard way. [More]

Report: Russians (Not Just North Korea) Behind Sony Data Hack, Are Still Doing It Right Now

Report: Russians (Not Just North Korea) Behind Sony Data Hack, Are Still Doing It Right Now

The hack into Sony Pictures was big news late last year, but that was last year. They figured out who did it, fixed the problem, and moved on, right? Wrong, says one analyst firm: not only did Sony finger the wrong bad guys, but the hack is still going on to this day. [More]


“Tens Of Millions” Of Personal Records Stolen In Hack On Health Insurance Company Anthem

Any data breach is bad, but the more personal they are — and the more widespread — the worse. And by both metrics, the hack just announced by major health insurer Anthem is particularly terrible. [More]

Target Shoppers Get Go-Ahead To Sue Retail Giant Over 2013 Hack

Target Shoppers Get Go-Ahead To Sue Retail Giant Over 2013 Hack

A year after Target discovered it was the, well, target of one of the largest retailer hacks ever, and a few weeks after banks got permission to sue the corporation, Target shoppers have now gotten the all-clear for their lawsuits, too. [More]

Report: U.S. Government Agrees North Korea Actually Is Behind The Hack Attack On Sony

Report: U.S. Government Agrees North Korea Actually Is Behind The Hack Attack On Sony

It has been a bad, bad month for Sony Pictures. In the wake of the hack that loosed their employees’ most personal information onto the internet, threats of violence resulted in the cancellation of their Christmas-day comedy release The Interview. And now, federal investigators aren’t sure how to point the finger of blame — not because they don’t know who’s behind it, but because they do. North Korea is indeed to blame, administration officials say, and the U.S. has to figure out how to handle international relations in the face of what is not just another hack, but cyberterrorism. [More]

(don't buy-now)

Nationwide Data Breach Hits Clothing Retailer Bebe, Payment Card Info Stolen

It’s the most wonderful time of the year: when consumers nationwide can find out that their credit and debit card information has been lost to hackers right when they’re trying to get all of their holiday shopping done. This week’s unfortunate victims? Consumers of women’s clothing retailer Bebe, found in malls nationwide. [More]


Yet Another Reason To Hate Paying For Parking: Parking Garage Payment Systems Hacked

The holiday shopping season is now well and truly upon us. This being 2014 and all, that also means the holiday hacking season is upon us. Last year Target was infamously the, er, target of Black Friday bad guys. This year, though, it’s not just stores losing your information to criminals. Now you have to worry about the parking lots outside of them, too. [More]

Sony Pictures Hacked, Films Released Online; North Korea On List Of Suspects

Sony Pictures Hacked, Films Released Online; North Korea On List Of Suspects

Sony Pictures Entertainment, the film studio division of international entertainment giant Sony, was the victim of a major hack last week. Not only did the attack majorly disrupt work at the studio nationwide, but also it appears that the bad guys got their hands on some goodies while they were there: at least four Sony films that haven’t even been released yet are already zipping their way around the internet. [More]

Bogus Credit Card Charges Look Like They Were Made With Chip-Enabled Cards

Bogus Credit Card Charges Look Like They Were Made With Chip-Enabled Cards

As banks begin rolling out new credit cards embedded with microchips intended to help prevent fraudulent use, some financial institutions are reportedly seeing a spike in bogus transaction charges that appear to be coming from these newer cards, even though chip-enabled cards have yet to be sent out. [More]


Will You Avoid Data-Breached Retailers This Holiday Season?

The massive 2013 holiday data breach of Target, which siphoned off the personal and payment information for more than 100 million shoppers, provided an eye-opening moment for consumers who had previously assumed that this sort of ID theft mostly happened when shopping online. The Target debacle was followed by attacks on big-name businesses like Home Depot, Dairy Queen, P.F. Chang’s, Jimmy John’s, Kmart, and the Albertsons/Jewel-Osco/ACME, Shaw’s chains of supermarketstwice. But will all these lapses in security actually drive shoppers elsewhere this holiday season? [More]


Kmart Announces Credit And Debit Card Breach That Began In September

Remember how this morning, we explained why it is inevitable that if you shop anywhere, your payment data or personal information will be part of a hack? On Friday evening, Kmart dropped the news that they have also been hacked, with malware installed in their in-store payment system. They have not yet announced how many customers have been affected. [More]