To stay viable into the future, malls need to find tenants with businesses that are difficult or impossible to move online. That includes things like parties, doctors’ offices, and a wider variety of restaurants, some of them inside already existing stores. Another business that could fit nicely into a vacant mall anchor slot: a grocery store [More]
grocery stores

Wegmans Changes Price-Comparison Signs After Costco Complaint
Price-comparison ads at Wegmans will soon be getting a bit of a makeover following an ad watchdog’s suggestion that the grocer modify in-store displays in response to a Costco complaint that the low-cost price comparisons were misleading and false. [More]

Lidl Is The New German Discount Grocer In Town
Consumerist’s readers are mostly huge fans of German discount grocer Aldi, but are you ready to welcome another discount grocer from that country into your heart and your shopping list? European supermarket chain Lidl hopes that’s the case. [More]

Scientists Reinstalling “Tasty” Genes In Supermarket Tomatoes
Researchers recently confirmed what food storage experts had long believed: Refrigerating tomatoes causes them to lose flavor. Now scientists are hoping that some genetic tinkering will turn blah supermarket tomatoes into flavorful rivals to their farm-fresh cousins. [More]

Michigan Bans Local Governments From Banning Plastic Bags
While states like Hawaii and California have enacted bans on plastic bags, Michigan is going the exact opposite route, passing a law that bans local governments from banning plastic bags or putting fees on disposable containers. [More]

Report: Amazon To Eventually Open As Many As 2,000 Grocery Stores
Earlier this month, all-powerful “sources familiar with the matter” claimed that Amazon was on the verge of opening bricks-and-mortar convenience stores and offering curbside pickup. Now, a new report indicates that the e-tailer plans to start small, opening 20 physical grocery stores over the next two years, but ultimately expects to have thousands of stores nationwide. [More]

Groceries & Millennials: They’re Buying Less, Shopping Online
From Whole Foods launching a supposedly hipper 365 brand of stores to Target’s mini-stores aimed at attracting young shoppers, retailers across the board have millennials in their crosshairs. But a new report suggests those efforts have been for naught, with younger shoppers continuing to seek out e-commerce options when it comes to grocery shopping. [More]

Supervalu Selling Off Save-A-Lot Supermarket Chain For $1.4B
Supermarket operator Supervalu will have one fewer chain in its portfolio soon, after announcing that it’s selling off discount grocer Save-A-Lot to a Canadian investment group for $1.37 billion. [More]

Target Isn’t Going To Have Full-Service Grocery Stores, Still Wants To Sell More
Target CEO Brian Cornell has a message for you if you’ve tried to buy groceries at the discount chain in the past and found the selection or products disappointing: things are better now, and you should give the section another chance soon. Unless you want sushi or rotisserie chickens. Then you should go somewhere else. [More]

NY Regulators Cracking Down On Sale Of Undersized Lobsters At Price Chopper Stores
It’s summer, and many people are no doubt jonesing for that seasonal favorite, the lobster roll. But in order to make sure there are enough lobsters to go around without depleting the crustacean population, there are laws regarding how big they have to be to be sold. And according to New York regulators, Price Chopper has had more than a few undersized lobsters for sale in the last few months. [More]

Man Admits To Stripping Naked And Soiling A Self-Checkout Scanner At Kroger
Convenient? Sure. But we will never look at the self-checkout scanner the same way again after an Ohio man admitted to defecating on a UScan-it terminal at a Kroger grocery. [More]

It Doesn’t Matter How Close The Supermarket Is If It’s Closed When You Get Home
We often hear about food deserts, or areas where people have limited access to stores that sell nutritious food. However, there’s more to it than simply looking at a map and checking how close to the nearest grocery store someone lives. There’s also the important question of what that store’s hours are. How easy is it for residents to get there, and how easy is it for residents with irregular schedules, multiple jobs, or limited transportation options? [More]

Publix Coupon Scam Rears Its Ugly Head Yet Again: “$75 Off $80 Purchase” Deal Is Fake
Every now and then, a grocery chain has to warn its customers off fake coupons that circulate on social media, and inevitably, people try to use them. Publix has another bogus deal on its hands with a $75 off $80 purchase coupon that’s making the rounds right now. In a nutshell: it ain’t real. [Publix on Facebook] [More]

FBI Nabs Guy Suspected Of Spraying Mouse Poison On Food At Several Michigan Stores
Police in Michigan and the FBI say they’ve got a man in custody who admitted to spraying a mixture of mouse poison, hand cleaner, and water on produce and other unpackaged food at several grocery stores. [More]

FBI Looking For Guy Seen Sprinkling Mystery Liquid On Food At Michigan Whole Foods
If you’ve been walking around at Whole Foods in Ann Arbor, MI and sprinkling some kind of liquid on the food, the Federal Bureau of Investigation would like a word. [More]

Everyone Rush To Giant Before This Amazing Pasta Sale Is Over
Pre-packaged pasta sides are a cheap and easy addition to your meal, and they’re even more affordable if you wait for a good sale. When we say a “good” sale, though, that doesn’t mean a sale like this one at the supermarket Giant. [More]

Parent Company Of Winn-Dixie, BI-LO, Harvey’s Going 100% Cage-Free By 2025
The cage-free egg bandwagon just got a bit heavier with the addition of three more grocery chains. Southeastern Grocers, parent company of the Winn-Dixie, BI-LO, and Harvey’s chains, says it’s going to switch to only sourcing eggs from cage-free hens for the company’s private label by 2017, and company-wide by 2025. [More]