Generally, you would assume that a grilled cheese sandwich wouldn’t contain any peanut butter, but a family near Boston had a terrible scare when their daughter, who is allergic to peanuts, bit into a grilled cheese sandwich with a dollop of peanut butter in the middle. Now they’re suing the restaurant’s operator over the incident. [More]
grilled cheese sandwiches

Family Suing Panera Franchisee Over Grilled Cheese With Peanut Butter Served To Allergic Child

Jack In The Box Serves Up Burger With Grilled Cheese Sandwich For Bun, 3 Years Late
A burger with grilled cheeses for buns was once a little-known, very-unhealthy regional specialty in the South and Midwest. Friendly’s took it nationwide in 2010, making us hungry and just a little confused. You can’t get the Grilled Cheese BurgerMelt anymore, but Jack in the Box has brought the concept back to mass-market glory. [More]

New Restaurant Somehow Combines Grilled Cheese Sandwiches And Smartphones
When I want a grilled cheese sandwich but don’t have the ingredients on hand, I have to use current, arduous methods of sandwich procurement. I have to call the shop ten minutes or so ahead of time, travel there, and then travel back home. If I want to eat in, I have to place my order and then wait for several minutes while my sandwich cooks. Fortunately, a new venture is out to reform these time-consuming tasks, letting you order up sandwiches on your smartphone and putting them in your hands about a minute after entering the shop. It’s called The Melt, and sells grilled cheese sandwiches and soup. Only grilled cheese sandwiches and soup. [More]

Make A Grilled Cheese Sandwich In A Toaster
It is possible to make a grilled cheese sandwich using just a toaster and not fill it with cheese goo. All you have to do, says the kitchn, is just put the toaster on its side. Place the cheese on top of the bread, slide it in, and the force of gravity keeps it on the bread. Paradigm shift! [More]