What exactly constitutes a “100% natural” food is a matter of much debate, but four new lawsuits argue that granola shouldn’t claim to be 100% natural because if contain small amounts of a common pesticide.
granola bars

Lawsuits Claim “100% Natural” Label On Nature Valley Granola Bars Is Deceptive

Girl Scout Cookie Flavored Granola Bars Coming From Quaker
As a staff consisting mostly of retired Girl Scouts, we’re big supporters of their seasonal cookie-slinging sales force every year. Yet the Girl Scout Cookie empire has been expanding, and you can find the most distinctive and famous flavors on the shelves of different sections of your favorite stores, in departments ranging from the ice cream aisle to the toy aisle to the cosmetics aisle. News of granola bars almost deserves a big yawn. [More]

An Actual Cup Of Coffee Isn’t Enough For Dunkin’ Donuts, Now You Can Have A Coffee-Flavored Granola Bar
There’s obviously some kind of Frankenstein-like science experiment happening at the nation’s coffee and donut shops. First Starbucks began testing a beer-flavored coffee, and now Dunkin’ Donuts is pedaling a coffee-flavored granola bar. What happened to regular coffee and breakfast items? Are they just not enough anymore? [More]

Sunbelt Granola Bars Class Things Up, Shrink Bars Along The Way
Brad is a daily eater of Sunbelt brand granola bars, so he’s someone who would notice when something changes. As part of a recent rebranding, Sunbelt shrank their bars by quite a bit, increasing the total price per ounce. Reader Brad noticed this and was disappointed. He complained, and got a refund for his trouble. What’s interesting, though, is how the packaging changed in other ways. It’s like the brand got a makeover before it seeks out a classier upscale clientele. [More]

Sunbelt Brags About Adding More Granola Bars Per Box, Hits Said Bars With Grocery Shrink Ray
The bane of loyal customers everywhere has struck again, and this time the Grocery Shrink Ray fixed its beady glare on reader Chuck’s favorite granola bars — Sunbelt chocolate chip. At first, he was pleased about the “new” number of bars in a bigger box. There were now 10 bars to be enjoyed instead of the previous eight. Hurray! But all was not as it seemed, as Chuck soon found out. [More]

Grocery Shrink Ray Removes Granola Bars From Quaker Boxes
Consumerist reader Brad went shopping for some Quaker Chewy Chocolate Chip granola bars the other day, only to find that the Grocery Shrink Ray had zapped away 20% of the bars but left the price the same. [More]