Apparently Google doesn’t think smartphones are distraction enough, because they’re reportedly working on glasses that would stream information on the go into wearers’ eyeballs in real time. We foresee a lot of people walking into walls. [More]
Apple & Google Are Corporate Kings Of Consumer Opinion, Big Banks Fail To Impress
When it comes to trusting corporations, it seems we’re a lot more likely to have high opinions of the ones that provide us with shiny toys and zippy technology, rather than big bad banks and other financial institutions. That is, according to an annual public opinion poll on corporate brands. [More]
Google Jumping From Software To Hardware With New Home Entertainment Device
Everyone knows what you mean when you say “Go Google that,” because Google is known for its search engineyness, among other non-tangible Internet tools. But now the mega huge company is making a move to the physical realm with a rumored home entertainment device. [More]
Microsoft Ad Attacks Google For Only Caring About Money
Once upon a time, a lot of people viewed Microsoft as the epitome of corporate omnipresence, as many of us wrote our 11-part fantasy series in Word, checked our Hotmail accounts while surfing the web on Internet Explorer, probably on a computer running Windows. But now we have Google Docs, Gmail, and Chrome, and Microsoft is taking out full-page ads warning consumers of how this other company is the one to be reviled. [More]

Lawsuit Claims Technology Industry Bigwigs Had Secret Anti-Poaching Pact To Keep Employee Salaries Low
The ability to play employers off bids from other companies seeking to snag the best in their fields is an important one. So much so, in fact, that workers in Silicon Valley have filed a lawsuit alleging that some of the industry’s biggest players were involved in a secret anti-poaching pact that kept salaries down and workers stuck where they were. [More]

FTC Commissioner Puts Verbal Smackdown On Facebook & Google Over Privacy
Aww, snap! Federal Trade Commissioner Julie Brill doesn’t care that her speech opening a forum on Data Privacy Day was being streamed on Facebook and likely Googled by many — she still put the verbal smackdown on those two companies for their problems protecting user privacy. [More]

If Google's New Privacy Rules Have You Ready To Flee, Here's How To Close Your Account
Feeling like you don’t so much want Google to be able to use your information across products, as they announced yesterday with their new terms of service? For those who have just had enough and want to quit, there are a few steps you’ll need to take to cancel your Google account once and for all. [More]

Google Reaching Its Grabby Arms Out To Combine More Of Your Personal information
Google wants to change things up a bit and grant itself the right to combine your personal information across its products. So how is it planning on doing that? By simply rewriting its privacy policy to let you know about it first, which they figure you’ll agree to if you want to keep using Google stuff. [More]

Google Breaks Down SOPA Opposition By The Numbers
As you probably already know, a number of websites have gone silent today in protest of the Stop Online Piracy Act currently being considered by Congress and the Senate’s similarly controversial Protect IP Act. And while Google, which has previously voiced its opposition to both pieces of legislation, didn’t shut down for the day, it is making its feelings known to the public. [More]

Bing Beats Out Yahoo To Claim Distant No. 2 Search Engine Spot Behind Google
When you’re trudging up a mountain with not even a glimpse of the summit, and all you know is that you’re really, really far behind the guy in the lead, it might be nice to know that hey, at least you’re in second. Bing can claim that status now in the search engine world, as it has surpassed Yahoo to sit a distant second to Google. [More]

Google Calls Its Social Search Effort "Your World" But Only Includes Its Own Products
Google wants to connect you to your online social world — well, at least it wants to connect you to the social products it pushes, Picasa Web and Google+. Their new joint venture between the Google search engine and those two social media sites will start rolling out tonight. [More]

Google Knocks Chrome In Its Search Rankings After Sponsored Blog Post Controversy
Google is slapping itself on its own metaphorical wrist after a bit of controversy over sponsored Chrome ads on various blogs boosted the site’s Google PageRank. The company announced they’ll lower the offending page’s rank for two months at the least. [More]

MySpace's Tom Advises Google+ On How Not To Become A Cesspool
Remember that guy who started the first successful social network, only to see it fall by the wayside, weighed down by flashing gifs and pornbots? MySpace founder Tom Anderson is back in the news, doling out advice to Google+ on how not to become a cesspool like his site did. [More]

Apple Wins Small Victory In Patent Battle Against Android Smartphones
There are so many patent battles going on around the globe between Apple and various smartphone companies, it can be hard to keep track of all the suits and countersuits. In one small but important battle decided recently, Apple has come out on top of HTC, in a ruling that could also affect the way Google’s Android operating system works. [More]

Microsoft Wants To Soothe 5 Traumatized Android Users With Free Windows Phones
Do reports of malware on your Android phone have you in a cold sweat? Are dreams of scary phone viruses dancing in your head? Microsoft is taking advantage of those fears and using recent bumps in the road for Android to offer free Windows phones to five Android users with the worst malware horror stories. [More]

Google Continues Free Voice Calls To U.S. & Canada Through 2012
If you use the “Call Phone” function in Gmail’s Chat menu to chat with your phone pals in the U.S. or Canada — or if you’re looking for a free way of doing so — Google has announced it will continue to offer this service for free through the upcoming calendar year. [More]

Verizon Blocks Google Wallet On Some New Smartphones
The Samsung Galaxy Nexus may run on Google’s Android OS, but that doesn’t mean Verizon Wireless is going to allow the device to run Google’s pay-by-phone app Google Wallet. [More]

Google Reportedly Testing The Waters Of Speedy Delivery Service For Online Shoppers
Watch out, Amazon, there’s a new kid on the retail block and it comes with a familiar name tied to it: Google is said to be discussing a new service with various retailers that would offer web shoppers super speedy delivery. [More]