Global warming is already a dangerous enemy of glaciers, and now those ice behemoths have another, even more direct human adversary. A man in Chile was arrested on suspicion of stealing about 5.5 tons of ice from a glacier so he could make fancy ice cubs for cocktails at bars and restaurants. [More]
global warming
Stealing Five Tons Of Glacier Ice Isn't Going To Help The Planet Or Make Your Cocktails Better

Report: Americans Trash The Environment And Don't Care
The National Geographic Greendex survey of sustainable consumption is out, and most of the 17 countries in the study have improved over the past year. In the lowest-scoring one, though, consumers are actually less concerned about the environment and think that the whole issue is being exaggerated. And a majority in that country believe their current habits are unsustainable, but they’re cool with letting their grandkids deal with it. [More]

Oil Company Promised To Melt Glaciers Back In 1962
1962! It was a great year if you like large cars, crinolines, the Kennedys, and strangely prescient oil company ads. Humble Oil, which eventually became part of the company we now know as Exxon, ran this ad in Life magazine, and it’s been making the rounds of the Internet since. [More]

Memphis Burger Kings: Global Warming Is Baloney
At least three Burger Kings in Memphis have recently displayed “GLOBAL WARMING IS BALONEY” on their letter boards, according to the Memphis Flyer and a reader.
President Obama has ordered the EPA to allow states set their own fuel-efficiency standards (fourteen states had begun the process when President Bush put a stop to it a couple of years ago.) He’s also asked the DOT to “develop higher fuel-efficiency standards automakers would have to follow.” [USA Today]

How Would You Feel About A New National Gas Tax?
Don’t worry, there’s not one in the pipeline just yet, but Flexo at Consumerism Commentary asks whether now—with fuel prices relatively low again, at least compared to the recent past—is a good time to consider one.
Congress Strikes Deal To Match China's Fuel Efficiency Standards By 2020
Congress will require American automakers to achieve fleet-wide fuel efficiency of 35 miles per gallon by 2020. The deal struck late last night by Congressional negotiators and hailed as “an historic advancement,” would put America on the slow track towards meeting the same efficiency standards that Europe, China, and most of the developed world already enjoy.

Yes Men Solve the Climate Crisis: Soylent Green
At the Gas and Oil Exposition in Calgary this week, Exxon Mobil executive Florian Osenberg told a rapt audience that the ongoing climate change crisis is no big deal because the dead people can provide “more feedstock.”
The Source of An Inconvenient ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ Spoof
Know this An Inconvenient Truth parody? If you’ve been on YouTube any time in the last 48 hours, very probably. Perhaps you were even one of the knee-jerk reactionaries who left a comment either praising (“Finally sockin’ it to those hippy pansies in the taint!”) or condemning it (“Wow, was that ever unfunny. Unlike that giant flap of skin on the neck of the guy who runs Exxon.”)