According to an insider, these are the tools, programs, and procedures one Geek Squad precinct exploits to snarf up your porn:

Ted Stevens Wants To Switch Between Phones "As I Ride My Motorcycle"
Carey has a hot new Ted Stevens bon mot, gleaned from his liveblogging of the Senate Commerce Committee Hearing On Number Portability, coming from the same crazy-old-man-stratosphere as his infamous “series of tubes” remark.
Geek Squad Hatched Plot To Harvest Porn From Pornstar Jasmine Grey's HardDrive, Days Before She Died In Car Crash
“I worked for Best Buy 285 several years ago (2003-2005) and was both a Blackshirt and an Agent once the Geek Squad rolled out.

Why Geeks Steal Porn From Your Computer
hashand: I used to work at a computer repair place. All the stuff you’re finding isn’t limited to Best Buy. We had a 2 TB [terabyte] server of mp3s.

Airplane Etiquette: What Should You Do When The Jerk Next To You Is Watching Porn?
PCWorld examines an interesting problem: What to do when the jerk next to you is watching hardcore porn on his laptop? Or what can be done about jerks who let their kids watch movies with no headphones? Can the airline do anything to stop jerks?

How Not To Submit To iPhone Envy
We could be standing on line outside an Apple Store waiting to get our grubby little hands on an iPhone. We are not, and we’re ok with that. You too can resist the little charmer’s curves and siren song ringtone by remembering the iPhone’s imperfections:

6 Ways To Cancel Any Cellphone So You Can Get An iPhone
If you want to get an iPhone but you’re stuck in a contract, here’s six ways to escape your service plan without paying a $175 early termination fee:

Gateway Recalls Batteries For Fire Hazard
Gateway recalled laptop batteries that can overheat and pose a risk of fire. Owners of Gateway laptop models 400VTX with battery part number 6500760, and model 450ROG with battery part number 6500761 should discontinue use and submit an exchange request to Gateway.

27 Confessions Of A Former Circuit City Worker
I had worked at Circuit City for quite some time, until recently when I could no longer stand the shady operations of its business. While working at Circuit City I worked in the Media and Technology department. I believe there are a few things that people should know about Circuit City…

The $82.49 "Special" Screw
This unassuming looking screw costs 61.31 Euros, or about eighty-two-dollars and forty-nine cents. According to the forum it was posted on, it’s for the PS3 and it came from a Finnish repair shop. UPDATE: Actually, it’s for a three-way speaker.

Help New York Sue Dell By Filling This Complaint Trough
New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo is suing Dell and he wants your help.
Feverish XM Radio Destruction Compilation Video
They forgot to include this one where some guys drive an 18 wheeler truck cab over an XM radio. Then they light another on fire and drive over it, just like they would do at a monster truck rally. The video’s makers were also remiss to not do some kind of Max Headroom effect with this CNN clip.
VIDEOS: XM Subscribers Destroy Radios To Protest Opie And Anthony Suspension
Opie and Anthony fans are sawing, blowtorching and smashing their XM radios after the satellite radio provider suspended the shock-jock duo. Here’s a roundup of 7 of such videos, several of which contain cursing.

Slideon: The Mp3/Video Player With Sliding iPod Killer Controls
This audio/video player designed by Consumerist Flickr pool member unleashedlive features a sliding control panel that hides under the playing screen, just like with a slider cellphone. The maker of this 3d rendering says it would use flash memory and be chargeable via the headphone jack.

NY Sues Dell For So-Called "Award-Winning Service"
The computer manufacturer promises “award-winning service” available “24 hours a day, seven days a week,” but customers have to navigate a labyrinth to get any help. Dell also led customers to think they qualified for zero percent financing when very few people did, and some customers ended up paying 20% on the computer, the suit says.

Cingular Charging Me $349.99 For Phone I Already Returned
Chris exchanged his messed up Blackjack with Cingular (now the new AT&T) under warranty replacement. Now Cingular (now the new AT&T) can’t find the phone that he sent back and keeps trying to bill him $349.99 for it. Repeated calls to customer service are unsuccessful and provide contradictory information.

Cingular Admits Store Salesmen Add On Features You Didn't Ask For, Just To Make More Commission
Matt’s voicemail stopped working so he called up Cingular to get it fixed, and while he was there he had them check out the rest of his account to make sure everything was ok, but they found something disturbing.

Canon Treats Digital Rebel XT Owner Like Pawnshop Scavenger
Consumerist alum Joel Johnson has a beef with Canon and their decision to treat him, the proud purchaser of Canon Digital Rebel XT, like he found the camera in a dumpster.