We now have pictures of the Playstation 3 that Sony refused to repair under warranty because the unit was too dusty.

Best Buy's Myspace Forum For Sharing Dumb Customer Stories
There’s a forum on social networking site Myspace where Best Buy employees share the dumbest things customers have ever said to them. They range from the “I probably should find another job:”
wheres the bathroom

Comcast Mole Starts Blog
The Comcast insider who leaked the BitTorrent memo promises to tell all of Comcast’s dark secrets at Shortnamenowitsgettinglong.com.

How To Find The Cheapest Roaming Solution When Traveling Abroad
Having the ability to make calls all over the world is a pretty amazing communications milestone, but that doesn’t mean it’s cheap and easy. The Consumerist is filled with stories of poor fools who come back from parts unknown with thousand-dollar roaming bills—and it doesn’t just happen to clueless iPhone users. Here’s our attempt to help make some sense out of the mess.

Verizon To Stop Extending Contracts Due To Rate Plan Changes
Verizon announced today that they are ending the often complained about practice of extending contracts when customers request rate plan changes.

Kenmore Beats Dyson In Consumer Reports Upright Vacuum Test
Dyson is not the Excalibur of upright vacuums, it’s the Kenmore Progressive with Direct Drive 35922, according to survey and test results released in the latest issue of Consumer Reports.

1,300 Unopened Rebate Applications Found In Dumpster
This is a picture of the 1,300 unopened rebate forms a Mercury News reporter found in a dumpster near Vastech, a rebate processor for Fry’s Electronics.

Dell Laptop Catches Fire In Shanghai Office
Just when you thought it was safe taste to eat a pomegranate… a Dell laptop catches fire and self destructs! This time, on 9/03, in a Shanghai office.

Meet The X-MET3000TXR+ Handheld Lead Detector
In response to growing concerns about toxic levels of lead in paint and metal on children’s toys, Oxford Instruments has developed a hand held electronic lead detector, a veritable rock boulder on the tracks of the Chinese Poison Train.

Dell Tech Chatbot Tries His Best
April’s Dell said it couldn’t find “systems 32 config” and after going through a series of troubleshooting steps with a Dell tech in chat, he said it was due to a bad sector on the hard drive and it would need to be replaced. While that very well may have been the case, we were amused by how the conversation wrapped up, as shown in the logs April posted to the RolePlay Gateway message board…
Update: Replacement iPhones Will Work With Prepaid SIM Cards
Remember JD? 32 hours of tech support from Apple and AT&T couldn’t coax his replacement iPhone into working with his prepaid SIM card. After we posted his story, representatives from both companies had a powwow and traced JD’s problem back to mismatched IMEI numbers. Now JD’s replacement iPhone works, and he has advice for anyone in a similar bind:
Received a call from an extremely helpful AT&T representative yesterday. She was informed of the situation by Apple, and worked with them to resolve it. Along with AT&T, I received a call from an Apple executive, who was also extremely helpful. Thanks to them both for getting to the bottom of this situation.

No Replacements For Prepaid iPhone Users
iPhone owners using prepaid SIM cards better take extra special care of their pocket trophies. According to Apple and AT&T, prepaid SIM cards are eternally wed without consent to one lucky iPhone, an important caveat reader JD discovered after spending 32 hours trying to activate his replacement iPhone. JD warns:
If you activated an iPhone with a new AT&T prepaid plan, you *must* keep using that iPhone. You *cannot* replace that iPhone with another iPhone. The only way to use a new iPhone with your prepaid account, is to *create a new account with a new phone number,* and have them move your balance over. Period. Apparently this is a “security feature” and the system was “designed that way,” specifically for prepaid iPhone plans.
The discouraging verdict from both Apple and AT&T should make potential iPhone users think twice before using a prepaid SIM card to skirt the confines of a two year contract. JD’s full story, after the jump.

Best Buy Systemically Searching Geek Squad Precincts For Porn
Best Buy is scanning Geek Squad computers for signs of porn infestation, as part of their continuing witch hunt. According to reports from four different Geek Squad employees, an edict was issued from corporate requiring precincts to connect every computer in every precinct to Agent Johnny Utah.
Best Buy Fires Geek Squad Supervisor Following Negative Newspaper Articles About Porn Pilfering
Best Buy is on the offense, launching an internal witch hunt to unmask the “rogue employees” responsible for exposing Geek Squad’s pervasive culture of porn pilfering. Their first victim is the Geek Squad supervisor of the Santa Clarita store, one of the only Best Buy locations whose former employees were quoted in recent articles, print as being a center for porn pilfering.
Yes, You Can Insure Your iPhone Against Accidental Damage And Theft
AppleCare’s iPhone coverage is limited to hardware issues and technical support; if you drop your iPhone on the sidewalk, you may be out $600, unless you have insurance against accidental damage and theft.
Best Buy To Sue Geeks Who Spoke Out Against Porn Stealing?
Word on the street is that following negative stories in the LA Daily News, and the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, Best Buy interrogated employees at the Santa Clarita store where former Geek Squad agent and Consumerist reader Brett Haddock used to work, and could be gearing up, or at least, wants people to think it’s gearing up, to seek damages against Geeks who spoke out about the porn pilfering.
Video Of Ted Stevens Wanting To Switch Between Phones "As I Ride My Motorcycle"
In it, he says, “Is it coming? Why shouldn’t I be able to say, just by a little switch on my phone at home that’s wired, I’m going off on the wireless now, I want to use this as I ride my motorcycle…I’m bad. Pardon me.”