You may remember the Gilroy Garlic Fries, a concoction that began at one restaurant to celebrate one garlic festival, and sold out so qucikly that the fast foodery must have realized that it was on to something. The fries sold out, then returned to the four test locations. Now they’re back, and this time they’re available throughout the entire region. [More]

How Come Garlic Is So Darn Delicious Yet Causes Such Nasty Stink Breath?
Personally, I love shoveling piles and piles of garlic into anything I cook because it’s basically the ingredient of the gods — aromatic and tasty, it makes any dish taste better. I know plenty of other people out there share that love, but there’s another thing garlic lovers share: A hatred of the resulting deathbreath that makes you want to never speak to another human again for fear of killing them with a whiff of it. So how can something so tasty cause such a stink? [More]

Don’t Put Your Bread In The Fridge & Other Important Food Storage Tips
We’ve all got a somewhat innate sense of where to store the foods we eat in our modern cultures — you’re not going to stick your ice cream in the pantry and expect it to stay frozen, or freeze your fresh apples. But what about butter — countertop or refrigerator? Should I really use that “eggs” slot on the inside of my fridge door? Answer us, oh kitchen gods! [More]

Peel A Head Of Garlic In 10 Seconds
Peeling garlic can be a pain in the tuchus but here’s a method for peeling a whole head of garlic in less than 10 seconds. Really! [More]

Iowa Town Uses Garlic Salt To De-Ice The Roads
The roads in a certain Iowa town are deliciously garlic-y. They’ve been using garlic salt to de-ice the streets.