
Gas Prices Drop By 10 Cents, Chicago Has Nation's Most Expensive Gas

Gas Prices Drop By 10 Cents, Chicago Has Nation's Most Expensive Gas

Gas prices have dropped by about $0.10 this week according to a national survey quoted by CNN Money.

GM Says It Will Release Electric Car in 2010

GM Says It Will Release Electric Car in 2010

This week, GM announced it plans to begin testing its plug-in, rechargeable car, the Chevrolet Volt, in the spring of next year. Says GM bigwig Bob Lutz, “We’ll have some on the road for testing next spring, and we should have the Volt in production by the end of 2010.” The secret ingredient to the Volt’s claim of 40-miles-per-charge is its “next-generation” lithium-ion battery, which is designed to last for 10 years, and which Lutz says will be ready by this October. Can we get one for our laptops?

Virgin Atlantic, British Airways Admit To Collusion, Prepare To Issue Vouchers

Virgin Atlantic, British Airways Admit To Collusion, Prepare To Issue Vouchers

Virgin Atlantic and British Airways admitted last week to the Department of Justice that they colluded to levy excess fuel surcharges ranging from $10 to $100. Despite the admission, both airlines claim that passengers weren’t really overcharged.

Plug-In Hybrids Could Help Cut Emissions

Plug-In Hybrids Could Help Cut Emissions

Plug-In Hybrids are not yet available, but new research says that when they are their use could slash emissions by, well… a lot. Theoretically, plug-in hybrids could be driven up to 40 miles a day on electricity alone. More good news: using electricity for fuel wouldn’t harm the power grid and the equivalent cost would be about $1 a gallon. But can car manufacturers make the cars cheap enough and the electric company make power clean enough to sell the idea to the American public?

The upbeat news for plug-ins, seen by many as the next big step in environmentally friendly automotive technology, came with two caveats. Achieving the maximum air quality improvements would require a significant cut in the pollution produced by electric utilities. It’s also dependent on large-scale adoption of plug-in hybrids, which may not be in new-car showrooms for several years.

When Warmer Temperatures Throw Off Gas Pumps, Consumers Pay

When Warmer Temperatures Throw Off Gas Pumps, Consumers Pay

“In the summer time fuel gets hot and as the fuel gets hot the volume expands, but the energy does not,” says a new report from NPR. The basic idea is that while the volume of fuel expands and contracts, the amount of potential energy within the gas stays the same. A gallon of gas at 80 degrees won’t push a car as far as a gallon of gas at 60 degrees.

Senate Passes Energy Bill With New Fuel Economy Standards

Senate Passes Energy Bill With New Fuel Economy Standards

The Senate has passed an energy bill that establishes new fuel economy standards.

Shell Station Owner Raises Gas Prices In Protest Against Shell

Shell Station Owner Raises Gas Prices In Protest Against Shell

There’s a much deeper story here, and it begins with Oyster, a respected, self-made businessman who turned a single station into Oyster Petroleum, a profitable firm in Redwood City. Oyster is nobody’s fool. Don’t think he isn’t well aware that the Chevron station across the street is selling regular for 70 cents less.

How To: Drive Slower

How To: Drive Slower

Some of us owned a Geo Metro in high school and college, so we never had to worry much about this issue, but for those of you who have the ability to drive too quickly, this post is for you.

Gas Station Owners Hate High Gas Prices

Gas Station Owners Hate High Gas Prices

Lately, he says, he and his employees have been receiving a lot of complaints from customers. Although he tries to explain his situation, people don’t want to hear it.

$4 Gas? So What? Sales of SUVs Up 25%

$4 Gas? So What? Sales of SUVs Up 25%

According to Bankrate sales of SUVs are up 25% from this time last year. Wait, weren’t we all buying Priuses because we can’t afford $4 gas? Nope.

House Approves Gas Price Gouging Legislation

House Approves Gas Price Gouging Legislation

The House of Representatives has passed what could become the first federal law against energy price gouging. Currently, several states have laws against said gouging, but the rigor of the enforcement is inconsistent at best.

Only Two States Have Average Gas Prices Under $3

Only Two States Have Average Gas Prices Under $3

Congratulations New Jersey and New Hampshire! Your average price per gallon for that life blood we call gasoline is still under $3. New Jersey has the cheapest gas at an average price of just $2.93! How do they do it? More importantly, how did we managed to write this post without cracking a New Jersey joke? Because we’re above that, people. Yes, we are. —MEGHANN MARCO

It's Gas Boycott Email Season, Again

It's Gas Boycott Email Season, Again

Howdy folks. It’s that time of year when your friends, or in our case, readers, encourage you to boycott gasoline for 24 hours on a specific day.

Potentially Insane Ways To Increase Your Fuel Efficiency

Potentially Insane Ways To Increase Your Fuel Efficiency

Wayne doesn’t get high mpg marks by tinkering with engines or using funky fuels or even, most days, by driving a hybrid. He gets them by driving consciously – hyperconsciously….

Airlines Hike Fares

After Delta and American announced plans to raise fares by up to $40, other airlines are following suit. United announced they’d be adding $10 to most round-tip flights. Northwest and U.S. Airways have matched the increase. —MEGHANN MARCO

Airlines Hike Rates Up To $40

American and Delta have rated rates in the face of higher fuel costs, the airlines said yesterday. US Airways and Continental did not match the hike, and United and Northwest said they are studying it.

Southwest Raises Fares $10

Southwest Airlines raised fares as much as $10 each way over the Thanksgiving weekend. This will be the 5th price hike this year for the discount carrier. Southwest faces rising fuel and labor costs that are only going to get worse.

McDonalds Caused Iraq?

McDonalds Caused Iraq?

According to a new article in the Engineering Economist, Americans use 938 million more gallons of fuel per annum than in 1960 as a direct result of their increased weight.