
Take Our Survey, Get Free Month Pass To

Take Our Survey, Get Free Month Pass To

UPDATE: Thank you very much for your input. The survey is now closed for the time being. We apologize for the unexpected technical glitches and will be figuring out how best to address those who didn’t get redemption codes.

Watch Wizard Of Oz For Free Online On Oct 3

Watch Wizard Of Oz For Free Online On Oct 3

You can start watching Wizard of Oz for free online via Netflix from 9am October 3rd to 9am October 4th. The promo is part of the 70th anniversary of Dorothy and the gang’s epic adventure. Yay, free flying monkeys!

You Can't Even Afford To Pay For Porn

You Can't Even Afford To Pay For Porn

You cheapskates are really ruining this economy. First, you decided you couldn’t afford to gamble. And now you’re giving up on another industry that could be crucial to pumping up our flaccid economy: porn. According to The Economist, revenues in the $6 billion a year adult entertainment industry have dropped by 30%-50%, with some producers claiming that they’re down by as much as 80%. Film production has dropped from 5,000 to 6,000 a year to about 3,000 to 4,000.

ThinkGeek Embraces Accidental Giveaway, Lets People Keep Freebies

ThinkGeek Embraces Accidental Giveaway, Lets People Keep Freebies

What do you do when your server suddenly contracts swine flu and starts giving away free merchandise? If you’re ThinkGeek, nothing! The geek toy store celebrated a server glitch by announcing that anyone who picked up free schwag would get to keep it, no questions asked. Why? Read on for the awesome explanation…

College Career Services Offices Can Help Mid-Career Professionals, Too

College Career Services Offices Can Help Mid-Career Professionals, Too

College career offices aren’t just for students and recent alumni. They’re also for mid-career professionals who want help with resume touchups, interview preparation, and meeting other alums. Best of all, the assistance is entirely free!

Free Netbook From Verizon Not Quite Free

Free Netbook From Verizon Not Quite Free

There is no such thing, dear readers, as a free computer. Particularly, Ray learned recently, in the case of Verizon’s “triple play” promotion for new FiOs users, where one of the options is a “free” netbook. Sure, you never expect “free” items to be completely free, but his situation is even more complicated than that.

Free Wifi For All At Barnes & Noble Stores

Free Wifi For All At Barnes & Noble Stores

The new ebook offering from Barnes & Noble may not be that compelling–it’s all the DRM badness of Amazon, but not always the lower prices–and yet something awesome has come out of it. Starting immediately, all customers can access free Wi-Fi in any B&N store.

Access Commercial WiFi Hotspots At Airports For Free

Access Commercial WiFi Hotspots At Airports For Free

We all know the crushing defeat of logging onto an open WiFi hotspot at an airport only to discover that you need to pay to reach the internet. No more! If the portal has a space for promotion codes, go ask the gift shop if they have a coupon for free access. If they don’t, you’re not out of options…

Download The 2009 Consumer Action Handbook

Download The 2009 Consumer Action Handbook

Here’s a free handbook that’s full of the sort of stuff we spend all of our time discussing on Consumerist. Sections include how to be a savvy consumer, how to file complaints, and a directory of organizations and agencies to contact when you have a problem. You can view the contents online or download a PDF copy, and you can also request a print version for your doesn’t-go-online relative (although you’ll have to wait for a reprinting).

Read Chris Anderson's Book 'Free' For Free

Read Chris Anderson's Book 'Free' For Free

Chris Anderson, editor in chief of Wired and author of The Long Tail, has published a new book that looks at something of interest to Consumerist: the trend of content and services to slide toward free, especially in the digital world. It’s pretty light reading and an interesting look at economics in the digital marketplace in particular—and for now, at least, it’s available in multiple formats for free.

It's Free Chocolate Friday From Mars

It's Free Chocolate Friday From Mars

Fork over your personal information and the Mars chocolate company will snail mail you a free coupon for one full-sized Mars candy bar in 6 weeks. We mentioned this in Morning Deals in May, it’s still going on, and will continue on Fridays through September. They’re calling it the “Real Chocolate Relief Act,” a tie-in to two different news stories: 1) Economic bailout plans and 2) Some corner-cutting candymakers not using 100% cocoa butter and putting more oil inside – a basterdization known as “mocklate.”

Everybody Gets A Mediocre Minivan! Everybody Gets A Mediocre Minivan!

Everybody Gets A Mediocre Minivan! Everybody Gets A Mediocre Minivan!

What’s Oprah’s latest giveaway? Not, thankfully, chicken. She’ll be giving away two Routans. Hey, cool! But does the Oprah endorsement mean that the Routan is any good? Well, according to Consumer Reports Cars…not really.

Google To Launch Free PC Operating System Next Year

Google To Launch Free PC Operating System Next Year

Tired of Windows, don’t like fine-tuning Ubuntu, can’t afford buying into the Apple ecosystem? Google has just announced they’re releasing an open source computer operating system called Chrome OS next year.


Barnes & Noble’s new iPhone app comes with a virtual coupon–there’s a one-time-only code you show the in-store barista to receive a free cup of coffee. []

Don't Pay For Directory Assistance

Don't Pay For Directory Assistance

Amidst the chatter about the iPhone 3G S and iPhone cultists’ users’ hate/hate relationship with AT&T, here’s another bit of bad news for AT&T subscribers: reader Mark e-mailed to let us know that the cost of directory assistance calls will go up to $1.99 on July 1. Fortunately, when you need 411 service, you don’t have to pay for it.


The malware search terms reminded me of a highly useful (and now free) iPhone app for sudoku fans. It lets you take photos of printed sudoku puzzles and converts them into digital versions you can take with you and play on your phone. [SudokuGrab]

This Burger King Must Look Awesome To The Corporate Office

This Burger King Must Look Awesome To The Corporate Office

If we worked in fast food, we’d want to work at this Burger King, because you don’t have to provide good service to score a perfect survey. You just have to give away food! Now take your free Whopper and get the hell out of here!

Wachovia Sends Out Its Own "Free Credit Report!" Offer To Customers

Wachovia Sends Out Its Own "Free Credit Report!" Offer To Customers

Tom just received a great offer from his bank. He can receive a free credit report just by peeling off this sticker and affixing it to another part of the same page. That’s right, a free motherloving credit report! Who doesn’t want one of those? Free, you say? Sign me up!