Do you like free things? And do you like doughnuts? You’re in luck, because June 2 is National Doughnut Day, which means many cafes and stores will be offering up complimentary or discounted treats. [More]
food lion

Man Accused Of Shoving Steak Down Pants, Cans Of Beer Up Shirt
The Internet puts stories from news outlets all over the world at our fingertips, which leads to one inevitable question: why do people steal meat by stuffing it down their pants so often? It’s a crime that has suddenly increased in some areas, and people commit crimes against meat out of either hunger or desperation for cash. The latest alleged meat thief was making a nice meal out of a package of steaks, two 24-ounce beers, and a package of cream cheese. [More]

According To This Sign, Someone Working At Food Lion Needs To Go Back To Biology Class
There are some food groups that are debatable. Eating a pizza? That’s gettin in your dairy and vegetables, sure, we’ll accept that. But there are other designations which we are pretty sure are non-negotiable, and this Food Lion in North Carolina might need to give employees a bit of a brush-up. For example, the biological meaning behind what “fresh” and “field” and growing things means. [More]

New Billboard Smells Like Steak, Sort Of
If you find yourself driving down River Highway in Mooresville, NC this summer and suddenly smell a vaguely steak-like odor, don’t worry, you’re not having a stroke. You’re passing by the billboard for Bloom, a supermarket chain that’s owned by Food Lion. The billboard went up last Friday and poots out a charcoal-and-pepper fragrance from 7 to 10 a.m. and again from 4 to 7 p.m. [More]

At Food Lion, "Value Pricing" Means Extra Confusion!
Food Lion can’t decide how much this boneless New York strip steak costs or weighs. It could weigh .47 pounds at $9.49 per pound, or it could be 1.06 pounds of value priced meat at $6.64 per pound. Reader Mike isn’t sure what’s really going on here, but he’s hungry and confused and wants his steak to come with answers.