
A man in Boca Raton, FL, moved into this bank-owned home and is now claiming adverse possession.

Eviction Papers Served To Squatter In $2.5 Million Mansion, But He’s Sticking Around For Now

The sheriff finally served an eviction notice to the man who’s been squatting in a Florida mansion worth around $2.5 million. But it looks like the squatter will at least be able to enjoy the Super Bowl and maybe Valentine’s Day in the bank-owned house. [More]

A man in Boca Raton, FL, moved into this bank-owned home and is now claiming adverse possession.

Squatter Takes Over $2.5 Million Bank-Owned Home, Bank Of America Doesn’t Seem To Care

If you’re going to squat, you might as well squat like a rich dude. Just ask the man in Florida who has been enjoying the mortgage-free life in a $2.5 million, 7,200 sq-ft house, all while the owner — Bank of America — appears to be doing nothing to get him out. [More]

This is Subway's version of the cheesesteak.

Subway Sandwich Artist Fired For Defending Purity Of Philly Cheesesteak (And For Fighting With Customer)

Even though it’s a common practice here in Philadelphia, there are some who believe you shouldn’t put ketchup on a cheesesteak. Whether or not the “Steak & Cheese” thing sold at Subway even qualifies for that debate is itself debatable, but a Sandwich Artist in Florida is now jobless because he refused to ketchup-up a customer’s sandwich. [More]


Whataburger Explains Why Manager Called Police About Customer With Service Dog

Earlier today, we told you about a Whataburger restaurant in Florida that called the police to force a customer to leave because of complaints about her service dog. Now, a rep for the fast food chain gives the company’s side of the story. [More]


Denny’s Franchisee To Add 5% “Obamacare Surcharge”

The owner of dozens of Denny’s restaurants and the Hurricane Grill chain says he plans on adding a 5% “Obamacare Surcharge” to his menus in 2014 when a number of facets of the Affordable Care Act will kick in. [More]

(CBS Miami)

Homeowner Discovers Squatters The Night Before Closing On House Sale

A Florida woman says the sale of her childhood home is now in jeopardy after squatters were discovered living in the property on the night before the sale was supposed to close. [More]

(Click Orlando)

Finally, A Use For Pennies: Glued To A Billboard

Finally, a use for those copper-colored zinc discs of filth: decoration! For a promotional campaign they’re calling “penny-a-print,” printer/copier leasing company Zeno Office Solutions put up a billboard in Winter Park, Florida decorated with 120,000 hand-polished actual pennies. [More]


Florida Governor Inadvertently Gives Out Sex Line Number Instead Of Meningitis Hotline

Teaching all public figures an important lesson in triple-checking any phone numbers given out during press-attended events (as well as a reminder of the importance of fact-checking for news agencies), Florida’s Gov. Rick Scott inadvertently directed callers worried about the fungal meningitis outbreak to a sex phone line instead of the toll-free health hotline. [More]

Yet Another Condo Complex Requires Tenants To Provide Doggie DNA

Yet Another Condo Complex Requires Tenants To Provide Doggie DNA

Requiring DNA test for dogs living in condo complexes is now officially a trend, with yet another condo association demanding that canine-owning residents provide samples of their furry friends’ DNA so they can identify those pooches that poop in public. [More]

Should Tenants Be Punished For Landlord's Inability To Pay Water Bill?

Should Tenants Be Punished For Landlord's Inability To Pay Water Bill?

The residents of a South Florida apartment complex could be on the street soon — not because they failed to pay their rent or utility bills, but because their landlord has allegedly run up a $14,000 water and sewer tab and won’t pay up. [More]

This Walmart Offers Really, Really Fresh Meat

This Walmart Offers Really, Really Fresh Meat

When a Florida woman shopping at her local Super Walmart saw a large rat in the meat case, stampering across the shrink-wrapped packages, she knew that no one was going to believe her. She insisted on snapping a photo with her mobile phone. “[I] told my mom I wasn’t leaving without one,” she told a local news station. [More]

Hundreds Of Teenagers Crash Walmart For Late-Night Food Fight

Hundreds Of Teenagers Crash Walmart For Late-Night Food Fight

Imagine you’re browsing the aisles at your local Walmart on a quiet Saturday night, when suddenly the store is overrun by about 300 teenagers who decide it’s time to stage an impromptu food fight in the produce section. Luckily, you don’t have to imagine it because it’s all been caught on camera. [More]

Man Sues Strip Club Over Mysterious $50,000 Credit Card Bill

Man Sues Strip Club Over Mysterious $50,000 Credit Card Bill

Strip clubs can be an alternate dimension where money vanishes at a faster rate than it does in the outside world. Or so we’ve been told… Ahem… Regardless, a man in Florida says there is no way he spent $50,000 on lap dances and warm cans of beer, and he’s willing to go to court to prove it. [More]

Florida, Other States Opting Out Of Medicaid Expansion Four Years Before They Are Expected To Pay A Dime

Florida, Other States Opting Out Of Medicaid Expansion Four Years Before They Are Expected To Pay A Dime

Even though the expansion of Medicaid to cover several million more low-income Americans isn’t slated to begin until January 2014 — and even though states aren’t scheduled to begin contributing anything to the expansion until 2016 — some states have already declared their intention to not take part in the program. [More]

Lawsuit Seeks $1 Billion From Florida Text Spammers

Lawsuit Seeks $1 Billion From Florida Text Spammers

Thousands of people in Florida have apparently been plagued with unwanted text messages for a scrap metal business looking to buy junk cars. Now on lawyer says he’s found the people responsible for the text spam — and that they owe at least $1 billion in fines. [More]

Florida Cities Use Robocalls To Fight Illegal Signs

Florida Cities Use Robocalls To Fight Illegal Signs

How does one stop people from ugly-ing up the streets with those signs that are illegally posted on the sides of roads or on lamp posts and telephone poles? Two Florida cities think they might have found the solution — hire a robocalling firm to bombard the companies that use these signs to advertise. [More]

Judge Says Florida Can't Require Drug Tests For State Employees

Judge Says Florida Can't Require Drug Tests For State Employees

State employees in Florida can now get back to all the cocaine-and-quaalude-fueled late nights we imagine they put off after Governor Rick Scott issued a March 2011 executive order requiring random drug tests for state workers. A federal judge has ruled that such tests violate folks’ protections against unreasonable search and seizure. [More]

How Does A 14-Year-Old Girl Buy A House?

How Does A 14-Year-Old Girl Buy A House?

You occasionally hear about teen pop stars and actors buying their own homes, but it’s not every day that you run across a seemingly average 14-year-old girl who not only purchased a property but has already turned it into an income generator. [More]