In its latest attempt to lure Snapchat users away from the photo-sharing app, Facebook has launched yet another service that basically does exactly what Snapchat does. [More]

Adobe Joins Its Critics, Tells People Not To Use Flash
After years of critics piling on top of Adobe Flash for its track record as one of the buggiest, crashiest (now a word), least secure, most vulnerable pieces of software ever to hit the web, Adobe itself is siding with its detractors (including Google, Amazon, Facebook and Firefox, etc.), and is letting everyone know they should stop using Flash. No, really. [More]

Facebook, Firefox Want Adobe To Just Kill Flash Already After More Security Exploits Found
The questionable stability and frequent security issues with Adobe’s Flash have long been a running joke among the tech-minded. Although the once-ubiquitous plugin’s star began to wane after mobile browsing took off, it still makes a lot of the content on the internet move. But after the release of yet another potentially disastrous vulnerability recently, the crowd clamoring for an end to Flash has now gone far beyond your local IT office, and includes both Firefox and Facebook. [More]

Google To Start Alerting Mobile Search Users To Flash-Heavy Sites
You know what’s really great? When you’re trying to access a website on your phone and the page you’re looking at uses Flash, which is not supported on iOS devices and hasn’t been supported on Android since version 4.1 started rolling out in 2012. In an effort to preempt user frustration (and nudge sites to upgrade their mobile experiences), Google is now including information about unsupported technology on a site when it turns up in mobile search results. [More]

New App Lets iPhone & iPad Users View Flash Video
One of the major knocks against Apple’s iPhone and iPad devices is that their operating systems would not support playback of video in Adobe’s popular Flash format. But earlier today, the makers of the Skyfire mobile browser released an app that will give these devices that much-desired functionality. [More]

Steve Jobs Tells You Why Your iWhatevers Don't Have Flash
Steve Jobs has penned an open letter explaining why Apple doesn’t allow Flash on iPhones and all that. The reason? Flash is the past, HTML5 is the future. The letter comes after an Adobe evangelist told Apple to “go screw” itself. [More]

Rhapsody Announces New iPhone Feature With Video iPhone Users Can't See
If you’re an iPhone user and received an email from the Rhapsody music-subscription service today, you got to check out a video demo of the service’s upcoming music-download tool. That is, unless you check your email on your iPhone. Turns out the video, on Rhapsody’s Facebook page, is in Flash, which iPhones don’t support. But all is not lost, iPhone users! We’ve embedded the video here, and through the magic of not being on Facebook (or something like that), we got it to work. So, go ahead, Consumerist Mobile readers! Click away, and watch the video that Rhapsody kinda, sorta, maybe, wants you to see. [More]

New Baseball Season, Same Bad Service From MLB.TV
For fans who don’t live in the same area as their favorite team, the glorious beginning of a new baseball season is tarnished by the flawed methods for keeping up with games. And once again MLB.TV, the official package from Major League Baseball, is making its case for the worst option.

Tiny USB Flash Drive In Entertainment Weekly
CBS and Cadillac are running a fancy-schmancy new ad campaign in the September 21st issue of “Entertainment Weekly” (the one with Britney on the cover) that includes a free “world’s smallest” 128MB flash drive. It doesn’t appear to be in the issues for sale on stands, so if you know anyone who subscribes, ask them for their copy.

Adobe Adds DRM To Flash
“Adobe has created the first way for media companies to release video content, secure in the knowledge that advertising goes with it,” James McQuivey, an analyst at Forrester Research said.

MySpace’s Racist Ring Tone Ads
On one hand, it’s hard to believe that MySpace endorsed or even saw this advertisement for cell phone ringtones that it’s been displaying on their web page. On the other hand, this sort of big-lipped, bone-through-the-fro depiction of an African hasn’t been acceptable since some of Louis Armstrong’s more colorful Max Fleischer appearances.
Morning Deals Round-Up
• Top Secret Threadless Sale! Buy 3 or more tees, get them all for $10 each. (Thanks, Garret!)
Morning Deals Round-Up
• Amazon continues the inexplicable price drops flash memory cards, with the SanDisk 1GB Ultra II Secure Digital card for $59, the SanDisk 1GB Ultra II CompactFlash card for $60, and the SanDisk 1GB Memory Stick Pro Duo card for $59.