An Oregon Home Depot employee says he was fired after he attempted to intervene in what he was told was a kidnapping attempt in the store’s parking lot. [More]

Walmart Greeter Says He Was Fired After Turkey Wandered Into Store
Have you heard the one about the turkey that wandered into a Wisconsin Walmart? Oh, it’s not a joke, it really happened last month, and now the greeter for the store says he’s been fired over the incident. [More]

Four Executives Fired Over Wells Fargo Fake Account Fiasco
The Wells Fargo fake account fiasco has already resulted in the “retirement” of the bank’s CEO, John Stumpf, and Carrie Tolstedt, Wells’ head of retail banking, for allowing employees to open millions of unauthorized accounts in customers’ names. But the bloodletting isn’t done yet, as Wells has dismissed four additional executives without the PR-friendly spin of “retirement.” [More]

Lawsuit Claims Jewel-Osco Discriminates Against Older Employees
Age is just a number, unless that number is used by an employer to discriminate against you, which is why four current and former employees of Jewel-Osco are suing the supermarket chain. [More]

Martin Shkreli Terminated From Another CEO Gig Following Fraud Charges
Things continue to unravel for Martin Shkreli, best known as the guy whose company bought the rights to a previously affordable, life-saving generic drug, then increased its price by 5,400% overnight. After being arrested last week in an unrelated securities-fraud investigation, the “pharma bro” has lost his spanking-new job as CEO of KaloBios Pharmaceuticals. [More]

Walmart Employee Says He Was Fired For Waiting 30 Minutes To Turn In $350 He Found In Parking Lot
A maintenance employee for Walmart thought he was doing the right thing by handing over a stack of bills totaling $350 that he found discarded in the store’s parking lot. But instead of being thanked for his honesty, the man says he was fired because he waited 30 minutes before handing over the cash. [More]

Walmart Manager Says He Was Fired After Stopping Alleged Shoplifter
For several years now, Consumerist has reported on variety of stories where a former Walmart employee says they were fired either stopping a shoplifter or defending themselves in an altercation with customers. The latest such incident involves the manager of an Alabama Walmart who claims he was dismissed after stopping an alleged repeat offender from shoplifting again. [More]

Man Drives Car Into Walmart Store After Being Fired
It’s totally understandable for someone to be angry over the loss of their job. But it is not okay for that person to then run their car into their former place of business. [More]

Package-Chucking FedEx Workers Caught On Viral Video Fired
Welcome to the modern surveillance state. Everywhere you go, there are countless hidden devices that could be spying on you, ready to splash your image and actions in front of millions for public ridicule. We mean smartphones, of course. One New York City-area FedEx driver learned this the hard way when a motorist filmed her hurling packages into a truck, and she lost her job. [More]

Walmart Fires Security Guard For Chasing After Shoplifter Like He's In A Cop Movie
A Florida Walmart has fired one of their security officers for giving chase to a knife-wielding shoplifter who took off running across the store’s parking lot. Josh Rutner told the Star-Banner, “I couldn’t let him get away. That’s wrong.” That second sentence may be true, but security guard != officer of the law.

Honeybaked Ham Fires Employee Shot In Store Robbery
A North Carolina Honeybaked Ham store manager was shot in an attempted store robbery in April, and has been recovering on worker’s compensation since the shooting. Now that his benefits have run out, the store very thoughtfully has terminated his employment. (Update: Honeybaked Ham sent us a statement with their take on this situation, which is appended at the end of this post.)

Forced Arbitration: You Can't Sue Us For Discrimination
Besides banning forced arbitration in consumer and franchise contracts, the Arbitration Fairness Act bans mandatory binding arbitration clauses in employment contracts. John’s story illustrates why this is necessary, inside.

Bank Of America CEO Fired As Chairman
Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis has been sh*tcanned from the chairman position, but will remain CEO, says the NYT. Calls for Lewis to resign in shame and go cry alone with his money have been getting louder over the past few months.

17 Signs You May Be Out Of A Job Soon
If you’re still on the fence about whether to spend your stimulus check, pay off debt with it, or stock up on ramen noodles, this checklist may help you decide. Some of the tips are pretty unnecessary—”your job duties are marginalized” and “your company plans to move to a smaller building” shouldn’t be hard to decipher. It never hurts to remind yourself about some of the signs of an impending downsize, however.