One might think that the average adult would be aware that the playground rule of “finders, keepers” doesn’t apply to most situations in life that aren’t scavenger hunts. But one would be wrong, if the police investigating the theft of a bag filled with $150,000 in cash are correct. [More]
finders not keepers

Just Because You Find $150K Sitting Around Doesn’t Mean You Get To Keep It, Buy A New Car

Scuba Divers Return Guy’s Lost iPhone Months After It Fell To The Ocean Floor
It’s one thing to lose your phone on the street, in the back of a cab or anywhere on dry land where a good Samaritan might come by and decide to help find its owner. But after one guy watched his phone sink to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean back in March, he figured that thing was gone for good. Enter: scuba divers going for a swim who just happened to find his device in the waterproof bag it had sunk in. [More]

Bag Of Cash Falls Out Of Armored Truck, Scatters Across Highway
Some commuters this morning in Maryland encountered some unexpected excitement when they saw a huge amount of cash blowing across the highway. This was not the most dangerous radio station promotion ever, but a mishap when a bag of money fell out of an armored truck, scattering its contents across the highway. Naturally, motorists stopped to pick it up. [More]

Goodwill Worker Returns $43,000 In Cash Found Stuffed Into Pockets Of Donated Clothing
You know the feeling when you reach into the pocket of some jeans or a jacket you haven’t worn in a while and come up with a $5 bill? Multiply that feeling by a whole lot and imagine what it’d be like to find a suit stuffed with cash for a grand total of $43,000. [More]

Christmas Tree Lot Volunteer Spots Diamond Ring & Gets To Play Santa Claus By Returning It
Silly diamonds — they’re constantly going around getting themselves lost, which is a bummer for the owners. But then when they make their way back, it’s all sweetness and light and isn’t Christmas the best? That was the case for a woman who lost a ring given to her by her rekindled flame, an elementary school sweetheart. [More]