The next time you reach for your favorite sauce in the grocery aisle, you could be greeted with a warning that you maybe shouldn’t over-indulge in the stuff. Mars Food, the maker of brands like Dolmio and Uncle Ben’s, is putting new labels on some of its pasta sauces suggesting they be an occasional treat due to high content of sugar, salt, or fat. [More]

Man Who Drank Glass Of Fat Walks Off Can Of Soda
The same guy who drank a glass of fat to demonstrate the lard-inducing effects of soft drinks is back. This time he shows how long you have to walk to burn off the calories from a can of soda. It takes three miles! That’s the distance from Union Square to Brooklyn in New York. [More]

Fat Gets You High
A new study finds that eating fatty foods triggers the release of endocannabinoids in the body, which are marijuana-like chemicals. And the feeling they give you makes you want to continue eating more fatty food. [More]

Harry Potter Theme Park Modifies Ride To Accommodate Larger Visitors
The “Forbidden Journey” ride at Universal Studios’ Harry Potter park just got a little less forbidden, at least for some obese tourists. The park has added new larger sized seats to the ride, so at least some of those who were turned away in previous months might have better luck now. [More]
This Is What You Eat
If you are what you eat, this graphic from Visual Economics may not make for the best inspirational reading. Then again, is there really anything so bad about drinking 53 gallons of soda or eating 85 pounds of fat and oil each year? (No, you don’t have to answer that.)

A Fatty Dish To Clog Your Arteries Whatever State You Live In tracked down an obscenely fatty restaurant meal in each of the 50 states. Some of the choices are eclectic and inspired, such as the pictured Quadruple Bypass Burger at the aptly named Heart Attack Grill near Phoenix. [More]

Hagrid-Sized Humans Can't Ride New Harry Potter Attraction
If you visit the Harry Potter theme park this summer and happen to see a relatively large person poking himself with his brand new wand and muttering reduccio!, don’t be confused. He was probably just told he can’t ride the Forbidden Journey dark ride at the park. [More]

Friendly's Burger Has Grilled Cheese Sandwiches For Buns
Yes, the latest assault on America’s waistline comes in the form of Friendly’s recently launched Grilled Cheese BurgerMelt. Move over, Double Down, there’s a new “something with far more calories than bread as a bun” sandwich in town. [More]

Guys Love Spanx
According to Neiman Marcus, people might make jokes about Spanx for men but they’re flying off the shelves. The men’s fashion director at the department store told the New York Times, “We are selling them as quickly as Spanx can make them. Men may not be talking about it, but they’re buying it.” The president of Freshpair, a website that sells “torso-enhancing” tees, says “profile-enhancing” underwear is also quite popular. [More]

Fat Is A Flavor
Australian researchers have confirmed what any McDonald’s lover already knows instinctively: fat is a flavor. [More]

Slate Looks At What's Wrong With Airline Seating
Although we’ve discussed it here plenty of times, the recent twitstorm caused by Kevin Smith after he was booted from a Southwest flight has brought more mainstream coverage to the issue of airline seating. Slate asked its readers for input, and today it published the most consistent arguments, like it’s not just a problem for overweight people, and we might have to buy our way out of it. [More]

Can A Large Person Fly Comfortably Anywhere?
Deb has an interesting question. She and her husband openly admit that they’re too large to fit in a single seat, so they purchase three seats when they travel by air. The problem, she writes, is that is that even when airline customers are happy to buy more than one seat, they are not actually granted access to multiple seats. Unmovable armrests and other barriers keep passengers of size from actually using the extra seat they have paid for. So, Deb wants to know: what’s a fat frequent flier to do? [More]

Counterfeit Alli Won't Cause Runs, Might Raise Blood Pressure
The Food and Drug Administration has warned shoppers to be on the lookout for counterfeit versions of the weight-loss drug Alli. The real version of Alli contains orlistat, a drug with side effects that include “an urgent need to defecate,” as those with delicate sensibilities like to put it. The fakes are made with sibutramine, a controlled substance that has been linked to high blood pressure in some studies. [More]

NYC Anti-Soda Commercial Shows Man Drinking Tall Glass Of Fat
No. You do not want to watch this video. Just promise the New York City Department of Health people that you won’t drink sugary soda so much. Then we’ll all be healthier, happier people, and nobody has to watch this video. (Video is embedded below.) [More]

Should We Tax Junk Food?
Should America tax junk food? Should we add a “fat tax” to the list of sin taxes? When most Americans eat fast food at least once a week, could we tax junk and subsidize healthy foods in the name of public health? Paul Michael of Wisebread thinks that it makes financial sense.

J.C. Penney In Manhattan Harbinger Of Fashion Apocalypse, Fat Suburbanites
Cintra Wilson set out to write a lighthearted, snarky article about the arrival of J.C. Penney in Manhattan for her “Critical Shopper” series, and somehow ended up insulting nearly everyone who read the article. Those who took offense included, but were not limited to: overweight people, tourists, plastic mannequins, people who are attuned to rampant classism, residents of “middle America,” diabetics, and anyone who has ever found an attractive article of clothing at a J.C. Penney.