A tipster in Louisville, Kentucky snapped this photo of a small warning sign taped to the window of his local Hobby Lobby. According to the sign, the store reserves the right to go through pretty much anything you happen to be carrying with you, plus your car. But shoppers shouldn’t feel too bad, because the sign says you can refuse and be escorted from the premises. [More]

Coupon Ninja Spends $5 For $91.97 Of Merchandise
Sure, not everyone has the time, inclination, or buying habits that make extreme coupon-shopping worthwhile. But everyone can benefit from learning some of the proud secrets of the coupon ninjas, such as coupon sources for products you probably already use, and combining sales, rebates, and coupons.

Coupon Master Spends $4 Weekly To Feed Family Of Six
If you want to learn how to be insanely efficient with coupon clipping and watching for sales, follow Kathy Spencer and learn from the master. WCVB TV in Boston notes that Spencer manages to spend only $4 on average each week to feed her husband, four kids, and four pets. We carefully re-read the pets line to make sure there was no past tense involved, as this would suggest cheating on where the food comes from. But nope, they’re still around, so it looks like she really is good with coupons and sales.

This Package Of Doritos Is Extreme
This package of Doritos contains Doritos and yet, is so much more.

Private School Tells 300 Students To Pay Up Or Get Out
A new quarter just started this week at Marian Catholic High School in Chicago, and on the first day back, 300 students were pulled out of class and lined up outside the school, then told to contact their parents and pay their outstanding tuition or they’d have to leave. The Chicago Tribune writes that “by lunchtime, about 100 students were sent home-some confused, some embarrassed and a few angry.” The school says parents owe around $450,000 in outstanding tuition payments, far higher than usual, and that they’re trying to avoid layoffs and other budget cutbacks. Will the poor economy lead to higher attendance at public schools? “If you want a good education, you have to dish it out,” one parent told the paper.
Walmart Mysteriously Finds Hidden Stash of Elmos
We hope we are not dignifying this obvious publicity stunt with coverage, but Walmart has “found” 4,000 of those stupid Extreme Tickle Me Elmo pieces of crap and will be “make [ing] the toys available “around noon E.T. on a first come, first serve basis” for $39.97 apiece.” So, if you’re one of those people who wants a zombified psychotic Elmo beast that will amuse your brat of a kid for about 10 seconds total, here’s your big chance to hit refresh 300 times and still not get one. Have fun. —MEGHANN MARCO

Consumer Reports Hates Elmo Too
“The youngest children’s reactions ranged from disinterest to fear.” “Marc, 14 months, was interested in the toy at first, but lost interest quickly, opting instead to dig in the dirt. One-year-old Julia was scared of Elmo and cried whenever the toy was activated.”

Elmo, Thankfully, Goes Missing
Walmart has declared missing a shipment of 100 Elmo T.M.X. dolls. The annoying-as-fuck toys went missing en route to a Walmart location in Bentonville, AR.