Mike shared with Consumerist a story that is almost baffling for many reasons. First, he writes that T-Mobile charged his wife a $200 ETF when there were only 90 days left on her contract. But then a delightful, wonderful AT&T customer service rep offered a $200 credit for AT&T service–effectively paying her T-Mobile ETF and earning themselves two delighted customers in the process. [More]

After 8 iPhones And 14 SIM Cards, AT&T Still Won't Waive ETF
AT&T seems determined to fix Mike’s problem. Only they can’t, apparently, because in the past 9 months he’s gone through 8 iPhones and 14 different SIM cards, and still can’t get a phone that does everything it’s supposed to do. (Like ring when someone calls.) Normally an 8-smartphone customer might sound like someone who’s being too hard to please, and maybe that’s Mike, but let’s face it: this is AT&T and it’s the iPhone, so most of the issues he lists below sounds completely plausible. [More]

Huge Nexus One ETF Magically Shrinks As FCC Investigates
The Washington Post is reporting that the ridiculously huge ETFs for the Nexus One are magically shrinking as the FCC continues to investigate the fees. Google has shaved $200 of the “equipment recovery fee” it charges if a customer breaks their contract with T-Mobile after a 14-day trial period. [More]

Verizon Shrinks The List Of Phones Subject To $350 ETF
Verizon has dropped 10 phones from its list of models that will trigger the high $350 early termination fee. Cnet wonders whether this is Verizon’s way of trying to make its “advanced devices are expensive to service” argument more palatable to the FCC, as the remaining models are all smartphones. [More]

AT&T Announces Proposed Settlement Over ETF Class Action Lawsuit
Chris wrote in to us this afternoon, “I found this gem in my AT&T wireless inbox [today]. I received no notification it was there, just happened to notice that I had a new message from AT&T online.” It’s an announcement that AT&T Mobility has arranged a proposed settlement over a class-action lawsuit concerning early termination fees. If it’s approved, there’ll be a settlement fund created from which AT&T customers “may receive monetary or other benefits.” [More]

Verizon FiOS Early Termination Fee To Double This Week
Are you planning to sign up for Verizon FiOS service? If you wait until this Sunday to sign up, you’re going to be liable for a higher early termination fee. The fee for ending a two-year contract will more than double, from $179 to $360. [More]

Google And T-Mobile Will Charge Up To $550 To Break Your Nexus One Contract
If you’re interested in the new Google/HTC Nexus One smartphone with a T-Mobile contract and can look past the problematic 3G access and buck-passing technical support, that’s great. Just, before you go through with the purchase, make sure you really, really like the phone and the service. Because, according to the Android fan site Phandroid, T-Mobile and Google have partnered up to charge you as much as $550 in “equipment recovery” and early termination fees. Update: T-Mobile has confirmed that they will be charging their own ETF on top of Google’s fee. [More]

30-Day Window To Cancel Sprint Without Penalty Starts Tomorrow
Starting tomorrow, Jan 1, 2010, you can cancel your Sprint cellphone contract without early termination fee. They are increasing monthly regulatory fees from $.20 to $.40. This constitutes what is known as a “materially adverse change of contract” and means you can break the contract without penalty. An official Sprint spokesperson officially confirmed this for us. A few things to know: [More]

FCC Commissioner Says She's Not Happy With Verizon's ETF And Billing Explanations
At least one official with the FCC is not impressed by Verizon’s latest explanations of its Early Termination Fees (ETFs) and Mobile Web billing practices. Commissioner Mignon Clyburn released a statement (pdf) last night where she called Verizon’s explanation “unsatisfying” and “troubling,” and she closed with the fighting words, “I look forward to exploring this issue in greater depth with my colleagues in the New Year.” [More]

Verizon Denies It Charges You $2 Each Time You Mistakenly Press A Certain Button On Your Phone
Last month, David Pogue at the New York Times published a tip from a self-described Verizon employee. The employee accused Verizon of deliberately rigging its system to trap customers whenever they accidentally press the “Get It Now” or “Mobile Web” buttons on their phones–even if they cancel the operation immediately, they’re charged a fee of $1.99 each time. Both Pogue and the FCC asked Verizon to explain why this happens. Verizon’s response: it doesn’t, and Pogue and the hundreds of people who wrote in to confirm this practice are all crazy. [More]

Sprint Fee Increase Is Your Chance To Escape Without Early Termination Fee
Sprint has confirmed they will increase monthly regulatory fees from $.20 to $.40 on January 1st, creating an opportunity for customers to drop their contracts without incurring an early termination fee, which could save you up to $200. [More]

Senate Introduces Bill To Rein In Early Termination Fees
Yesterday, four senators introduced legislation to make cell phone early termination fees be actually related to the cost of the phone. [More]

Verizon Wireless To Hike ETFs On "Advanced" Devices
Are you looking to get a smartphone on the Verizon network anytime soon? Make sure that you like it before you sign a contract, since starting November 15th, Verizon will be imposing a higher early termination fee—up to $350—on contracts for “advanced” devices. That means smartphones.

Frontier Communications Has To Pay Back Early Termination Fees
If you signed up for Frontier Communications’ Price Protection Plan—a combo phone and broadband package—between January 2007 and September 2008, and you canceled the agreement and were charged an early termination fee (ETF), you may be getting some cash back.

Video: Ditch Your Cell Phone Contract For Free
In this video, a blonde dame in glasses shows you how to escape your cellphone contract for free with several tried and true tips for defeating those $175 early termination fees.
Tmobile Raising Overage Rates 9/01 – Cancel Without Fee
Tmobile will be raising overage rates September 1st, and customers can use it to cancel without early termination fee.

Bas Rutten Does Not Like Cell Phone Contracts
Here’s a funny commercial starring Bas Rutten for some prepaid cellphone company. You probably shouldn’t try this with your own cellphone company, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be thinking like Bas while disputing that ETF.