I guess it’s not appropriate to force Dunkin’ Donuts employees to drink the coffee they sell, but they should at least show up to work with their short term memory intact. [More]

Why Is Dish Network Billing Me For Someone Else's Account?
Liza tells Consumerist that she signed up for Dish Network about a month ago, but ultimately didn’t keep the service because she couldn’t get reception. She still got the privilege of paying for the service, though, since someone put her billing information down for a different customer’s account. [More]

Banana Republic Credit Card Comes With Free Account Errors, Late Fees, Disconnected Calls
Nick went shopping recently at Banana Republic and applied for a store credit card. Now he’s being called by a collections department and receiving contradictory stories about whether or not the retailer has his correct address on file. [More]

Gift Card Error In Your Favor: When Do You Tell The Hotel?
A reader emailed us to ask what he should do about an accounting mistake he discovered with some gift cards. He suspects the different parts of the hotel don’t update the card balance in real time, but it could also be that the hotel’s employees aren’t processing the card correctly. Now he’s wondering whether he should have said something. [More]

Redbox Randomly Charges $1.25?
Reader A. says Redbox randomly tried to charge him $1.25 for a $1 normal DVD rental. What’s up with that? [More]

Florida DMV Tells Woman She Lives On "Eat Ass" Street
A woman in Florida got her driver’s license in the mail only to find that she apparently lived on “Eat Ass” street. Her entire street address is printed as “Eat Ass Englewood, FL 34223,” thus raising the question of how exactly they mailed the license to her. [More]

Should You Abandon McAfee Or Take Their Free 2-Year Extension?
If you use McAfee’s anti-virus program and have Windows XP with SP 3, you may have noticed last week that your PC was shutting down every 60 seconds. That was because McAfee pushed out an update that it now admits wasn’t properly tested. To apologize, the company says it will reimburse you for repairs (although it hasn’t provided details on this yet), and it’s offering everyone who was affected a free 2-year extension of the service. Should you take the offer and call it even? Seth Rosenblatt at Cnet says you shouldn’t bother. [More]

The Most Reasonable Letter We've Ever Received From A Guy Whose Bank Misplaced $14,000
Meet Matt. He’s is the writer of the most reasonable, calm, thoughtful letter we’ve ever gotten from someone whose bank misplaced a check for $14,000. That bank is Bank of America, and they’ve lost a customer. Was it because their ATM ate the check? Not really. It was because they couldn’t even bother to act concerned about it. Matt is ready for a bank that thinks $14,000 is important. [More]

USPS Cares About Your Mail When It Doesn’t Really Count
Lana is a little frustrated with the U.S. Postal Service right now. She writes that she received an odd envelope in the mail from USPS–the tear-off advertising sheet from the front of a Netflix envelope addressed to her. An overly conscientious postal employee took the flyer, carefully placed it in a damaged item envelope, and mailed it back to Lana. [More]

UPS Charges You $11 To Fix Zip Code Mistake
Richard has a warning for the Consumerist community: he writes that if you mess up a zip code on an overnight UPS package, they will charge you an $11 “address adjustment” fee to fix it. Excessive? Richard thought so, and UPS was nice enough to waive it when he asked. [More]

Art Institute Of Pittsburgh Decides You Need To Buy One More Class To Graduate… After Graduation
Update: The school saw our post and has been in touch with Daniel. Here’s what happened. [More]

Walmart Debuts Truly Unbeatable Sale
Yes, we suppose the only way to beat this sale is to have a store give you money for taking the thing off their hands. [More]

Hoover Can't Decide What Information It Wants From Customers
Billy sent us this excerpt from the registration card for his new Hoover vacuum cleaner. Pick a side, Hoover. [More]

Dear Luggage.com: Thanks For The Jelly Roll Pan, But I Ordered A Bag
Here’s something weird. T ordered a bag from luggage.com and got a jelly roll pan. Luggage.com doesn’t sell jelly roll pans. There is nothing they can do about this, however, except for refund the money. No bag. Enjoy the jelly roll pan. [More]

Should Rob Complain About His Bad Kroger Pharmacy Experience?
Rob’s local Kroger pharmacy screwed up the prescription on his kid’s TamiFlu. Rob caught the error before any harm was done, and he’s not the confrontational type. In fact, he’s wondering whether he should just drop the whole matter. Here’s your chance to convince him otherwise. [More]

Dan Brown Haunts DirecTV DVRs With Unwanted Movie Rentals
If you own a DirecTV DVR, did you receive a mysterious, unwanted rental of “Angels and Demons” this weekend? Readers Jeff and Catastrophegirl did, and they have a warning: Don’t watch it! It’s a trap! [More]

Lowe's Travels To The Future To Discount Your Appliances
Mary was purchasing a washer and dryer set for her home at Lowe’s. Just as she was finalizing the purchase, a sales circular with a lower price on the very appliance she was buying dropped through the time/space continuum, and visited the store from the future. Or maybe an employee put it out early. Either way, the store’s manager very generously let Mary buy her washer and dryer for the much lower future price because of an employee’s mistake. [More]