We didn’t know about this (possibly because we have enough interesting email to read without bothering with spam), but apparently the new cool thing is to send MP3 spam.
Should ISPs Be Required To Forward Email?
The government is weighing whether ISPs should be required to forward email after customers switch providers. Freelance writer Gail Mortenson filed a petition with the FCC claiming that she lost business because AOL and Time Warner refused to forward her emails for six months. The FCC doesn’t seem overly interested in the petition, but Chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is watching closely to see how the FCC proceeds.
The next big leap forward in spam technology: mp3 spam! [Red Tape Chronicles]
IRS Still Warning People About Email Phishing Scams
The new IRS email phishing scam involves a fake customer satisfaction survey that asks for sensitive personal information such as your SSN, bank account numbers, credit card numbers, and even the security code from the back of the card.
IRS Warns Taxpayers About New Email Phishing Scam
The IRS wants to warn you about a new email phishing scam that aims to trick you into opening an attachment that is secretly a Trojan Horse. the Trojen Horse that can give control of your computer over to the scammers. You, obviously, do not want this to happen.
AT&T DSL Downgrades Email, That You Pay For, To Include Ads
AT&T DSL subscribers who use their ISP email will now have the pleasure of seeing ads in their email service. That they pay for. Did we say that already?
Cingular's Blackberry Users Can Request Credit For Service Outage
If your beloved Blackberry runs on Cingular’s network, you may be entitled to a one day service credit. For power users, the refund might be worth up to $2.50. That is not as good as a new girlfriend, but it is something.
Why BlackBerry Got Crushed
A poorly tested software upgrade withered the BlackBerry email system Wednesday, the device’s maker said last night.
Blackberry Owes You A New Girlfriend
And it hasn’t just been loss control that has suffered, he adds: “This issue sucks. I’ve been getting grief about it from my now ex-girlfriend thanks to this delay. She thought I was ignoring her e-mails when I was receiving them hours late.”
Your Blackberry Isn't Working
WNBC is reporting a major Blackberry outage that affects 100% of the Blackberries in the US.
Gmail Disables User Accounts Without Reason Or Warning
UPDATE: Gmail says they accidentally disabled a huge swatch of user accounts in an attempt to fight a large spammer network, and is actively reinstating these accounts.
The Paradox Of MSN: You Want To Cancel Because You Lost The Password, You Need The Password To Cancel
Reader Kim is mad. Her dad called MSN because he was having some computer issues, and they changed his password to something that he doesn’t remember. Unfortunately for Kim’s Dad, MSN’s solution to a lost password is to email the password to the account that you lost the password for. Even more brilliantly, if you call to reset your password, MSN’s verification system is based on the credit card number used to open the account, and that Kim’s Dad no longer remembers.
419ers Scambaited Into Recreating Monty Pyton "Dead Parrot" Sketch
What’s interesting is that the “dead parrot” they use is actually a metal duck. Once a scammer, always. — BEN POPKEN
Gawker Responds To Lycos' Aluminum Foil Sword Rattling
Lycos, don’t you have better things to do, like fade quietly into the night?
Lycos Steps Up Legal Threats To Get Meanypants CS Manager's Photo Down
Somehow Lycos took time off from deleting customer’s emails to send off more photo removal requests, and now they’ve got their general counsel involved.
Lycos Customer Service Manager's Picture Held Hostage Until He Restores Customer's Email And Apologizes
Subject: http://tinyurl.com/2ftcg6 violation of my privacy.
Lycos Deletes All Of Customer's Email, Tells 'Em To Suck It
This is Mike Jandreau, master and commander of all customer service at Lycos. When you don’t check into your email for 30 days, Lycos deletes 2 years worth of your personal email.