Whenever my friends are like, “Ugh, I just spilled water in my BlackBerry keyboard!” I don’t feel bad. No, I just hope that said friend will finally get a phone with a touch screen like the rest of the civilized world. I’m mostly joking — BlackBerry still has some very loyal fans, but its maker RIM has been criticized for not keeping up with the touch screen smartphone times. That might all be changing now. [More]

Big Drop In Car Crashes Tracks With Blackberry Outage
The big Blackberry outage is having an unexpected positive side-benefit. During the days the Blackberry service was out, there’s been far fewer traffic accidents. [More]

BlackBerry Outage Apology: Here Are Some Free Apps You Might Not Want
In an attempt to placate millions of BlackBerry users who suffered service outages for up to three days last week, the smartphone’s makers, Research in Motion, have announced they’ll offer up a $100 credit for certain apps. Yay…? [More]

Actor Josh Duhamel Kicked Off Flight For Refusing To Turn Off Blackberry
Actor Josh Duhamel, who plays Captain William Lennox in the Transformers series, was kicked off a flight last week after he refused to stop texting on his Blackberry while it was taxiing. The Air Wisconsin plane was forced to return to the gate and disgorge the actor. Now he says he’s learned his lesson. [More]

Is Microsoft Trying To Buy BlackBerry?
While Microsoft is still basking in the glow of the announcement of their new Windows Phone 7 software, the company isn’t just hoping to wedge its way into the mobile market by selling a platform for other people to put on non-Microsoft hardware. According to a new report, Microsoft is in the market for an existing smartphone company to jump start their efforts. [More]

No Palm Pre For Verizon Wireless?
If you’ve been holding out on a phone upgrade or carrier switch until the Palm Pre comes to Verizon, you may need to give up the dream. The carrier has “reportedly ditched plans to offer the Palm Pre early next year,” says PC World. Apparently poor sales of the device at Sprint, combined with Verizon’s interest in upcoming Blackberry devices, killed any enthusiasm the carrier once had. Update: The no-Pre rumor may be false, according to these two analysts.
RIM is blaming yesterday’s Blackberry outage on a routine upgrade gone wrong. [Gizmodo]

Why BlackBerry Got Crushed
A poorly tested software upgrade withered the BlackBerry email system Wednesday, the device’s maker said last night.

Blackberry Owes You A New Girlfriend
And it hasn’t just been loss control that has suffered, he adds: “This issue sucks. I’ve been getting grief about it from my now ex-girlfriend thanks to this delay. She thought I was ignoring her e-mails when I was receiving them hours late.”