
"I bought a chair while sitting in a chair..."

Drunk Or Sober, Jeff Goldblum Is Way Too Into PayPal

We know — or at least we believe — that actor Jeff “Brundlefly” Goldblum isn’t actually intoxicated in these ads for PayPal. But honestly, they would make more sense if he actually were under the influence. [More]

Who doesn't like a day trip to Memphis?

My eBay Package Took An Exciting Vacation In Memphis

Reader Chris won an eBay auction, and the seller just happened to live about a mile away from him. He asked if he could stop by to pick it up, but the seller mailed it instead. So the package went to the town’s post office, then right back out to Chris’s house, right? Wrong. They sent it more than 1,300 miles total, to Memphis, TN and back. [More]


If You Get Screwed By eBay Seller, Complain Within 45 Days Or Forever Hold Your Peace

When you pay for something on eBay but it never arrives, you’d expect that eBay would be on your side and work to get your money back. That might be true, if you plead your case within 45 days of making the purchase. [More]


Will Opting Out Of eBay Arbitration Clause Get My Account Deleted?

For weeks, we’ve been reminding eBay customers that they have until Nov. 9 to opt out of a new forced arbitration clause in the website’s user agreement that takes away consumers’ right to band together in a class-action suit. We’ve also been hearing concern from people that their accounts will be closed by eBay if they choose to opt out. [More]

(See the sample letter here)

Here Is A Downloadable Template For Opting Out Of PayPal Arbitration Clause

We already told you that perennial Worst Company In America heavyweight PayPal added a clause to its user agreement that forces customers with legal complaints into mandatory binding arbitration and takes away their right to band together in a class action. You can opt out of the clause by sending a very specifically formatted letter; luckily there’s now a template. [More]

With PayPals like this, who needs enemies?

PayPal Slips Forced Arbitration Clause Into User Agreement; Gives You Until Dec. 1 To Opt Out

As we’ve mentioned before, eBay recently changed its terms of service to include a mandatory binding arbitration clause that effectively takes away customers’ rights to pursue class-action lawsuits against the company. So it should come as no surprise that eBay subsidiary (and perennial Worst Company In America contender) PayPal has added a similar clause to its user agreement. But just like the eBay clause, users do have a short window to opt out. [More]

(The Joy Of The Mundane)

Geek Squad Expands To Target And eBay

Have you recently gone to make an electronics purchase somewhere other than Best Buy, but found yourself wishing you could engage the services of the Geek Squad onsite, or buy one of their special Black Tie warranty plans? If you’re one of the regular readers of this site, probably not. But plenty of other people do, and the Nerd Herd is expanding outside of the walls of Best Buy. [More]

eBay's fancy new User Agreement

Reminder: Write eBay By Nov. 9 To Opt Out Of Restrictive, Anti-Consumer Clause

As we mentioned a few weeks back, the new user agreement for eBay includes one of those lovely little clauses that takes away customers’ right to a lawsuit against the company and locks them into mandatory binding arbitration. Fortunately, it also includes the ability to opt out of that clause, but you have to do it in the form of an actual letter, which has to be postmarked by Nov. 9. [More]