
Avoid Counterfeit Check Scams

Avoid Counterfeit Check Scams

Unwitting consumers are falling for a new twist on the old “advance fee scam.” In this variation, a consumer receives what looks like a legitimate check in the mail, either as “foreign lottery proceeds,” “prize money,” or even payment for goods via classifieds (which includes Craigslist and eBay).

Vigilante Hero Downloads Phisher's Data Files and Informs Victims Via US Mail

Vigilante Hero Downloads Phisher's Data Files and Informs Victims Via US Mail

“So that left me in a moral dilemma. In effect, I was witnessing some bad stuff happening in real time. …. What to do? I downloaded the latest version of the harvested data and pondered.

Retailers Flog About Their Own Wares, Biased  Blogging Becoming Commonplace

Retailers Flog About Their Own Wares, Biased Blogging Becoming Commonplace

Unlike other media covering the shows, these commentators are in the awkward position of reviewing their own suppliers — and their aim is more to boost sales rather than offer impartial critique.

Does it work? Absolutely. When Downing links his comments to specific merchandise the store sees a “sales bump” that exceeds expectations, according to a Neiman Marcus spokesperson. As shady as Ken is, least he’s honest about his identity and job function as he lavishes his purple prose on nearly everything he sees.

Man Tracks Down And Gets Prosecuted Baggage Handler Who Stole His Camera, Delta Still Won't Refund

Man Tracks Down And Gets Prosecuted Baggage Handler Who Stole His Camera, Delta Still Won't Refund

Delta won’t refund Charles’ money after his camera was stolen from his luggage by a baggage checker, even after he tracked the camera down on eBay and got the thief fired, arrested, and prosecuted.

A Canadian Guy With A Closet Full of Unsold PS3s: A Cautionary Tale

A Canadian Guy With A Closet Full of Unsold PS3s: A Cautionary Tale

Derek O’Brien wanted to buy his girlfriend an engagement ring. What better way to do it, he thought, than by buying PS3s and selling them for a profit on Ebay. Whoops.


We caved and bought a Wii on eBay. We got a Wii + nunchuck + Wii sports for $325 + $25 shipping.

Ebay Blocks Seller Until She “Verifies” with PayPal

Ebay Blocks Seller Until She “Verifies” with PayPal

    Attention Seller:

Walmart Nazi Tshirt Prices Rise On eBay

Walmart Nazi Tshirt Prices Rise On eBay

When the Walmart Nazi thirt story first broke, the shirts appeared on eBay the very next day. Bidding was scarce and we never saw the prices rise above their $10 retail value. Now reader David points out they’re selling for up to $31 a pop.

Paypal Cruel To Tivo eBayer

Paypal Cruel To Tivo eBayer

Reader Homerjay’s story bolsters our big prediction for 2007: Paypal is going down.

PS3: Are Consumers Put Off By The Price?

PS3: Are Consumers Put Off By The Price?

Prices on eBay have fallen as well. Whoops. Of course this doesn’t mean you can walk in to a store and actually buy a PS3, but it does mean you can’t gouge someone on eBay quite as easily.—MEGHANN MARCO

The $9.99 PS3

The $9.99 PS3

Balance is being restored to the universe. Is it karma? Is it the work of a Jedi? Yoda? Are you there, buddy?

Dumbass Ebayer Buys Three Original Playstations For $900

Dumbass Ebayer Buys Three Original Playstations For $900

This retard bought three playstations for $900. That’s not the in-demand PS3, but the original Playstation, which regularly sells on Ebay for around $20 to $40.

The $99,999,999.00 PS3

The $99,999,999.00 PS3

We had a lot of fun last night watching crazy people on Ebay fuck with the douchebags trying to sell their PS3s for thousands of dollars. We bet the Ebay fraud team is going to have fun cleaning up auctions like this one. They were the norm last night, believe it or not.

PS3: Faces of Opportunism

Image redacted.


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Totenkopf Shirts On Ebay

Totenkopf Shirts On Ebay

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Elmo, Thankfully, Goes Missing

Elmo, Thankfully, Goes Missing

Walmart has declared missing a shipment of 100 Elmo T.M.X. dolls. The annoying-as-fuck toys went missing en route to a Walmart location in Bentonville, AR.

Paypal Bombed

Paypal Bombed

Last night, an explosion rocked Paypal’s network operations center, blasting windows and leaving a haze in its wake.