While it’s not uncommon for an airline to require a certain dress code for passengers, United Airlines has found itself in the social media crosshairs for refusing to allow young girls to board a flight because they were wearing leggings. [More]
dress codes

JetBlue Passenger Says She Was Told Her Shorts Were Too Short To Fly
Air travel can be a mixed bag of fashion, as passengers of all different style sensibilities come together on a different kind of runway. Sometimes, those styles come into conflict with airline staffers, like in the case of a JetBlue passenger who was told her shorts were too short to fly, and that she’d have to change if she wanted to board the flight. [More]

Planet Fitness Kicked This Woman Out For Being Too Fit, Or Breaking The Rules
A California woman made headlines nationwide when she went to a local TV station, claiming that a local Planet Fitness kicked her out for distracting other customers by being too fit. Wait: what happened to the whole “no judgement zone” marketing campaign? [More]

Steakhouse Apologizes After Asking Cancer Patient For Doctor’s Note To Wear Hat
Sometimes people have very good reasons to violate dress codes. We usually don’t hold infants to “coat and tie” policies, for example. Someone with no legs shouldn’t be required to wear shoes into a store. And a person who has lost their hair due to the side effects of chemotherapy should, by all means, be allowed to wear a nice knitted cap in a restaurant, even if they don’t normally allow hats. One would think. [More]

United Says No Track Suits In First Class
How casual is too casual for an airplane’s first class section? If you paid for first class, and a bald guy in a Puma running outfit sat down across the aisle from you, would you honestly feel short-changed? United seems to think it’s inappropriate.

Students Say Chicago Nightclub Refused To Admit Black People
Six black college students on a senior trip to Chicago say they were refused entry into Chicago’s Original Mother’s bar while 200 of their white classmates got in without a problem, CNN reports.

Closed-Minded Retailer Tesco Bans Jedi Religious Garb
The persecution never ends for the Jedi, does it? First, they were nearly all murdered by one of their own. Then, just when they’ve built a presence on modern Earth, a grocery store in Wales tells a practicing Jedi that he can’t wear the hood of his robe up in their stores. Bigotry!

Southwest Airlines Tries To Make Passenger Change "Masterbaiter" Shirt
Southwest again tried to make a passenger change his clothes and again has been forced to apologize, reports the St. Petersburg Times. Flight attendants asked Joe Winiecki, 39, to remove a shirt promoting “Captn. Jack Hoff’, MasterBaiter,” a fictional fish store located in the “Virgin Islands.”

Walmart Replaces Smocks With Target-Style Uniform
Walmart will replace its employee’s trademark smocks with navy shirts and khaki pants.