A couch labeled as “nigger-brown” got its offensive name from a bad translation program, according to the furniture’s supplier.

Packaging Label Describes Sofa Color As "Nigger-brown"
Doris Moore’s seven year-old daughter did not understand a racial slur affixed to the packaging label of a newly delivered sofa. The sofa was purchased as part of a set that included a loveseat and chair. All three items bore the offensive label. The Toronto Star recounts the heart-wrenching discovery:
“She’s very curious and she started reading the labels,” Moore explained. “She said, `Mommy, what is nig … ger brown?’ I went over and just couldn’t believe my eyes.”
After explaining the slur’s meaning to her daughter, Doris tried to pry a well-deserved explanation from Vanaik Furniture and Mattress, the store that sold the seating set. Despite three messages, the store refused to return her calls.

Jamba Juice Clerk Writes "DYKE" On Receipt Instead Of Customer's Name
“It was one of those things that you just sit and you’re like wow, the world can be that ignorant sometimes,” Pabro told CBS13. “It’s really tough to go and thing that if I go in this establishment I wonder what name they are going to call me today.”
Jamba Juice has fired the employee and the CEO says he’s going to call Charlene personally to apologize. That conversation would be fun to listen to: “Hi, Charlene. Sorry we hired a complete douchebag. Have some free smoothies?”

Prince Charles Wants To Ban McDonald's
Charles made the comments while visiting the Imperial College London Diabetes Center in Abu Dhabi for the launch of a public health campaign, Britain’s Press Association reported. “Have you got anywhere with McDonald’s? Have you tried getting it banned? That’s the key,” Charles was quoted as asking one of the center’s nutritionists on Tuesday.

Gawker Responds To Lycos' Aluminum Foil Sword Rattling
Lycos, don’t you have better things to do, like fade quietly into the night?

Lycos Steps Up Legal Threats To Get Meanypants CS Manager's Photo Down
Somehow Lycos took time off from deleting customer’s emails to send off more photo removal requests, and now they’ve got their general counsel involved.

Lycos Customer Service Manager's Picture Held Hostage Until He Restores Customer's Email And Apologizes
Subject: http://tinyurl.com/2ftcg6 violation of my privacy.

Lycos Deletes All Of Customer's Email, Tells 'Em To Suck It
This is Mike Jandreau, master and commander of all customer service at Lycos. When you don’t check into your email for 30 days, Lycos deletes 2 years worth of your personal email.
Verizon Makes Canceling Over Their Txt Msg Hike Impossible
What it should say is: “Go ahead and call us, we’ll just argue that our changes do not constitute a ‘material adverse effect’, despite the fact that we were required to send you something called a “Legal Notice,” which sounds suspiciously like the sort of “Notice” we’re referring to in our Customer Agreement. Neener, neener, neener.”
Northwest Airlines Pulls Carmelo Anthony Issue of Inflight Mag
“Northwest does not want to appear to condone in any way the behavior of some of the players during Saturday’s game, including Mr. Anthony, by continuing to offer the current edition of WorldTraveler,” the airline said in a statement.
Regal Theaters: Free Popcorn for Ratting on Cell Phone Users
- Regal Theaters, the nation’s largest theater chain, has begun testing devices in 25 of its locations that allow patrons to summon ushers if audience members use cell phones or become unruly. Regal Chief Executive Michael Campbell told the Reuters Media Summit in New York Wednesday that a second button will notify management of faulty projection, a third about uncomfortable room temperature, and a fourth about any other problem. Campbell said that ordinarily customers won’t say anything such problems while the film is running. “They just will complain on their way out or, in the worst case scenario, they don’t come back.” He said that he expects the device to be available nationwide next year and that it will be given to “mature” audience members, who will receive free popcorn for their efforts.

Toys “R” Us Suspends Black Friday Price Matching
The gimlet eyed Mouseprint blog discovered Toys R Us will not be pricematching this Black Friday.

PS3 Sales Erupt In Violence, Political Disgrace
The understocked PS3 has become the Paris Hilton of the gaming world. Demand is so fever-pitched that several opening day sales have resulted in violence and political defamation.

The $99,999,999.00 PS3
We had a lot of fun last night watching crazy people on Ebay fuck with the douchebags trying to sell their PS3s for thousands of dollars. We bet the Ebay fraud team is going to have fun cleaning up auctions like this one. They were the norm last night, believe it or not.
Blue Cross Fined For Illegally Dumping Sick Patients
Blue Cross has been up to some shillyshallying in California…
Spammer Mad That People Call Him A Spammer
A Chicago area spammer took London-based anti-spam outfit, Spamhaus, to court. E360 was mad that Spamhaus had added their ip addresses and names to a blacklist.

100 Years of PR Celebrated With World’s Largest Cake!
Oh jeez, just spotted this [update: wonderful bit of satire] at Strumpette.