The recent WikiLeaks data dump of alleged “Vault 7” CIA documents put some people on edge. Did, as WikiLeaks contends, the government already have tools to remotely bypass encryption on iPhones or turn your Samsung TV into a listening device? For their part, Apple and Samsung say they have already fixed — or are working to fix — the vulnerabilities referenced in the leaked docs. [More]

Court: CFPB Has Authority To Request Seven Years’ Worth Of Foreclosure Documents
Back in November, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau filed a lawsuit against one of the nation’s largest providers of seller-financed homes after it failed to comply with a subpoena to turn over documents related to home foreclosures. This week, a judge upheld the Bureau’s authority to request the documents from Harbour Portfolio Advisors. [More]

IKEA Taking Its Time Providing Records Related To Massive Dresser Recall
Two months after IKEA and the Consumer Product Safety Commission took the unprecedented step in recalling 29 million top-heavy Malm and other models of dressers and chests linked to the deaths of six children, the retailer has missed a deadline to hand over documents related to the recall. [More]

CVS Customer Buys Heating Pad, Finds Box Full Of Family Keepsakes Instead
Usually when we write about someone getting home to find out that the item they just purchased contains something unexpected, it involves an iPad box full of notepads or rocks, or a block of wood instead of a PS4. But a CVS customer in Boston got a more intriguing surprise inside her heating pad box: someone else’s family keepsakes. [More]

Judge Orders University Of Phoenix Parent Company To Turn Over Documents To Feds
Just because the University of Phoenix may be able to once again recruit on military bases and enroll new students using the military tuition assistance program doesn’t mean the for-profit college behemoth’s problems are behind it. Instead, a court ruled last week that the school’s parent company, Apollo Education Group, must provide records requested by federal investigators nearly six months ago. [More]

New York Real Estate Firm Dumps A Year's Worth Of Client Info On The Street
What are those papers blowing down Columbus Avenue? Why, those are your tax returns, driver’s licenses, credit reports, bank statements, and 401k statements. It seems that your real estate company, Citi Habitats, dumped an entire years worth of sensitive client documents in the streets of New York.

Exclusive: AOL's Collections Guide Encourages Agents To Lie And Deceive
An anonymous tipster sent us AOL’s 153 page internal collections guidebook for prying money out of delinquent account holders. The guide shows that AOL is following some of the debt industry’s most egregious collection tactics by encouraging agents to deceive and lie to customers. After the jump we present AOL’s scare tactics, tricks to negotiating a substantial discount, and the full collections guide.

Go Buy A Shredder Right Now
A shredder is an indispensable tool for keeping your identity safe and secure. If you receive credit card offers or have old bank statements littering your files, then you can’t do without a cross-cutting shredder to slice and dice your personal information into an indecipherable medley of confetti. Frugal For Life points out a few of the many reasons we all should be devout shredders.

Archivist Arrested For Stealing Historic Docs To Sell On eBay
Daniel Lorello, an archivist with New York’s department of education, was arrested this week and charged with “grand larceny, possession of stolen property and fraud” for allegedly “stealing hundreds of historic documents, many of which he sold on eBay.”

The New Passport Design Is Fugly
The new passport design for the “e-Passport” is fugly. Each page is filled with various patriotic type images concluding with a weird image of space. We declare it to be hideous, and we are the arbiters of good taste. —MEGHANN MARCO

Ex-McDonald's Franchisee Dumps Sensitive Documents On Someone's Farmland
Lubbock County farmer, Kelly Kelsey contacted the Lubbock County Sheriff’s office, when he discovered this pile of boxes on his land Tuesday evening while he was working in the field.
UPDATE: Every TWC Level III Phone Number
Hey gang! Remember 27 days ago when posted all those high up Time Warner Cable tech support phone numbers? And everyone was like, dude, this number is disconnected, this area code does not go with this town, and furthermore, you’re a dirty brick licker for posting them? Yeah, those were the days.