Steven wanted to sign his family up for DirecTV using an amazing deal available to them through AAA. When he was in he middle of signing up for this deal, just before giving his debit card number, the company’s systems went down. Apparently, the company needs your payment info to lock in promotional rates, but Steven couldn’t get back through until after his promo rate had expired. Now he is sad, and still stuck with cable. [More]

Could An NFL Lockout Force Networks To Run Even More Ads?
Now that the NFL’s postseason is in full swing (even though my beloved Eagles were so quickly eliminated), it’s time for many to start wondering if owners and players will be able to resolve their problems before the start of the next season. If not, the biggest losers could end up being the networks and, by extension, TV viewers — whether they watch football or not. [More]

Comcast, TWC, DirecTV And Samsung Enter Unholy Partnership Inside Your TV
Hate your cable set-top box? So does Samsung, apparently. They’ve cut deals with Comcast, Time Warner Cable and DirecTV to offer various features that will allow you to watch TV either without a box, or access your cable subscription through an app on the Samsung Galaxy Tab. [More]

DirecTV Settles Complaints About Hidden Fees & Other Deceptive Practices
The nation’s largest satellite TV provider DirecTV has reached a settlement with all 50 states and the District of Columbia regarding allegations that the company misled consumers about its pricing and policies. [More]

DirecTV Pulls Plug On G4
Yes, Fox might have kissed and made up with Cablevision and Dish Network over the weekend, but there is still unrest in the world of carriage fees, as DirecTV has recently pulled the plug on Comcast-owned cable channel G4. [More]

What Does DirecTV Have Against Dallas Cowboys Fans?
If you’ve watched any pre-season football this summer, you’ve likely seen the ads DirecTV has been running for its NFL Sunday Ticket package. The spots feature fans of their local sports teams who are none-too-pleased about non-locals being able to watch their favorite out-of-market (and often rival) teams’ games. One spot features a Packers fan leaving a plate of hate for a 49ers supporter, another has the Patriot-ic residents of Foxboro, Mass., hurling snow at the newcomer Dolphins fan. But only Dallas Cowboys fans have been singled out for mockery in multiple ads — three so far. [More]

DirecTV Apparently Didn't Trust Me To Pay Final Bill
Ian writes that he was once a DirecTV customer. He wasn’t unhappy with their service, and would have considered going back if the stars aligned correctly one day. Switching to Comcast, however, currently saves him $100 per month, which is nothing to sneeze at. What has Ian sneezing mad, however, is that while DirecTV told him that he’d receive a final bill to pay in the mail, the company instead went ahead and charged his credit card for the final bill without his permission. [More]

$350 And An Internet Connection Will Get You NFL Sunday Ticket Without Subscribing To DirecTV
If you’re a football fan who has been pining for NFL Sunday Ticket but can’t because you’re unable or unwilling to switch to DirecTV, you might be in luck — if you’re able to part with $350. The satellite provider confirms to Consumerist that it will be making an online-only version of Sunday Ticket available to anyone with an internet connection. [More]

The Top 5 Consumer Complaints About Satellite TV Providers
After seeing our story from yesterday about a DirecTV subscriber misled into believing he was signing an 18-month contract, the folks at the Better Business Bureau sent us their recent research on the complaints they’ve received about DirecTV, Dish Network and other satellite providers. [More]

In DirecTV's Book, 18 Months = 24 Months
After doing some comparison shopping, Consumerist reader Matthew and his wife decided it was time to give DirecTV a chance. They called up to order service and a seemingly helpful customer service rep signed them up for an 18-month contract. [More]

Miami Sues DirecTV, Says Ads Mislead Consumers
Miami-Dade County’s consumer cops are suing DirecTV, after receiving over 300 complaints from customers over the company’s pricing. According to the county’s Consumer Services Department, DirecTV’s ads led customers to believe they’d get a satellite package for $34.99 a month, but actual charges went as high as $65.99. [More]

Want To Watch 'Damages'? You'll Need DirecTV
Even after three seasons and 19 Emmy nominations, F/X still decided to pull the plug on the Glenn Close-starring legal drama Damages. But all is not lost for anyone hoping to see another season of Ted Danson co-starring as an amoral, whoring, coke-snorting, F-bomb dropping billionaire. Unfortunately, if you don’t have DirecTV, you’ll have to go watch it on the TV of someone who does. [More]

DirecTV Update Causing Many Customers' Boxes To Crash
Last night, while most of us were asleep, the folks at DirecTV sent out an upgrade to customers using the satellite provider’s HD DVRs that was supposed to include new features to improve the user experience. Unfortunately, it seems like one of those new features is your DVR no longer working correctly. [More]

DirecTV Bringing Detailed Local Crime Info Right To Your TV
Because we can never know enough about what crimes are being committed in our neighborhoods, DirecTv has teamed up with a website that tracks and maps police incident info to bring it to the TVs of subscribers across the country. [More]

Worst Company In America: Comcast VS DirecTV
Here we go, folks. It’s DirecTV’s NFL Sunday Ticket monopoly, creepy Chris Farley Ads and draconian enforcement of early termination fees VS well, what can you say about Comcast. They’ve got issues. [More]

Dish Sues DirecTV Over Copy Cat Ad
A few weeks after DirecTV filed a lawsuit against rival Dish Network alleging that Dish made fale claims in their “Why Pay More?” TV ads, Dish has turned around and filed a counter claim against DirecTV for copying those same ads in their new TV campaign. [More]