There are a lot of spotlight-chasers who have made headlines for proving that yes, you can lose weight eating only [pick a fast food chain], but those “dieters” also tried to change things up with their weight-loss plans — a chicken sandwich for lunch, a burger for dinner, self-loathing for dessert. But some poorly worded healthy eating recommendations from Chick fil-A suggests that you eat some of the chain’s chicken nuggets every few hours. [More]
bad advice

UK Asks McDonald's, Pepsi, KFC To Help Write Health Policy
In a move that seems as sensible as asking your creepy uncle who just got out of jail to babysit for the weekend, the UK is looking to such luminaries in the health food industry as McDonald’s, KFC and Pepsi for assistance in writing government policy on obesity and other health problems. [More]

Homeowner Says Bank Told Him To Skip Payments, Then Foreclosed
When MC lost his second job he had trouble affording his $3,000 mortgage payment. He called his mortgage holder, Flag Star Bank, asking for a break, but the bank told him there was nothing it could do for him unless he skipped payments and submitted a loan modification package.

Home Depot Jacks Up Price For Countertop After Order Placed, Homeowner Says
Giovanni and his wife bought a counter from Home Depot, but caught a nasty surprise when he called to check on the order. Suddenly he was told he had to cover a minimum order and he’d have to pay hundreds more than the agreed upon price. Now kitchenless in New York, he writes:

Debunking The Debt Collectors' Spin Doctors
The nation’s economic woes make debt collection a topic du jour, but while there are some good bits mixed into the Washington Post’s article, “When Debt Collectors Disrupt Dinner,” it probably should have been titled “What Debt Collectors Would Like You To Say And Do When They Call About The Credit Card.” Read it with a shaker of salt. Read on for the good, the bad, and the lazy reporting, plus what you should actually to protect and exercise your rights as a debtor…