For anyone who ever thought that shopping at Walmart could make you sick… Here’s the photographic evidence you’ve been waiting for. [More]

Hy-Vee Invites Customers To Fight Diabetes While Getting Diabetes
A reader sent us this great event that Hy-Vee, a midwestern grocery chain, recently held to fight diabetes. Unfortunately the benefit has already ended, but join them next weekend when they fight cirrhosis with dollar beers.

Delicious 2,600-Calorie Baskin Robbins Milkshake Is The Worst Food In America
In their annual roundup of unhealthy restaurant foods, Men’s Health has declared the Baskin Robbins large chocolate Oreo shake the worst food in America, supplanting Outback’s bacon and ranch dressing cheese fries.

Baskin Robbins Death Shake Has 2,300 Calories
Last time I checked, an adult male should consume 2,500 calories a day, and this shake nearly meets that requirement! The saturated fat present in that shake is over 3 times the RDA of 20 grams, which will put you on the fast track for heart disease. Of course, that’s if the Type 2 diabetes caused by all 266 grams of that sugar doesn’t get you first.
Bayer is recalling certain diabetes test strips because they tend to over-report blood glucose level readings by 5 to 17 percent. Affected lots begin with WK7 and then either a D, E, F or G. All other lot numbers are fine and can be used. More information.

Fake Med Promoted Via Fraudulent Government Health & Drug Watchdog Site
The Chinese government has discovered a fake diabetes medicine on a fake research institute website, which then links to a fake version of the official government health and drug watchdog agency’s site. If you’re paying attention to urls, it’s hard to not notice that something’s wrong—but we’re sure there’s more than enough people who don’t notice that little detail.

Lilly Caves, Agrees To Add Warnings To Schizophrenia Drug
Zyprexa, Lilly’s best-selling drug to treat schizophrenia, has been shown to cause “cause weight gain, high blood sugar, high cholesterol and other metabolic problems,” but until now, the company has refused to add any warnings about these side effects to the label. Now, sparked in part by lower sales, Lilly has announced that Zyprexa will warn consumers that it can cause high blood sugar. The American Diabetes Association claims that Zyprexa causes diabetes, but this isn’t addressed on the new warning labels.

Customer Sues Home Depot After Being Glued To Toilet Seat, Says Incident Gave Him Diabetes
Bob Dougherty went to Home Depot. He wasn’t feeling very well in a “Jo-Ann Fabrics” sort of way, so he used Home Depot’s bathroom.
Bogus Johnson&Johnson Life ScanOneTouch diabetes test strips traced to Chinese distributors. [NYT]
Avandia Stays On The Market
Since the study was published, Consumer Reports has come out in favor of older drugs:
Diabetes drugs received wide attention last spring when research found a possible link between rosiglitazone (Avandia) and a higher risk of heart attacks. While those risks remain unclear, the CR Best Buy Drug report cites other reasons that rosiglitazone and the related drug pioglitazone (Actos) are not wise first choices for most people with diabetes, including their higher risk of heart failure compared with other diabetes drugs.
Consumer Reports that patients should first ask their doctors about metformin (Glucophage and generic), claiming that the effectiveness of the older drugs are equivalent to the newer ones, but with less potential risk.

Consumer Reports: Older Drugs Better For Those With Type-2 Diabetes
Consumer Reports says that older, not newer, drugs are better for those with Type-2 diabetes. New, heavily advertised drugs such as “Avandia and Actos” are more expensive but not more effective. Older drugs are also as safe “if not safer” than the new drugs.
Amtrak kicks diabetic man off the train in the middle of the woods. “Amtrak personnel told police dispatchers that Sims was drunk and unruly…The Sims family said Sims is diabetic and was going into shock.”
FDA Knew About Potentially Lethal Diabetes Drug Since Last August, Said Nothing
The study was outed yesterday on the New England Journal of Medicine’s website. The editors of the journal and the study’s lead author both warned that the research methodology left the “findings open to interpretation.”

Red Wine Is Still Good For You
It’s hard to keep up with what’s good for you and what’s not. Currently, red wine is still good for you. Got it?

Time To Make the Doughnuts…In Heaven
Michael Vale, the Dunkin’ Donuts man, has passed away here in New York of complications from diabetes. In honor of his service in inciting us to snack, we will forgo any jokes about putting sprinkles on his ashes.