
Pix of First Dell Store

Pix of First Dell Store

Dallas, TX got a glimpse of Dell’s foray into the retail world.

Exploding Dell Meets Truck Full of Bullets

Exploding Dell Meets Truck Full of Bullets

A Dell Inspiron laptop. A stock 1966 Ford pick-up. Several boxes of ammunition. A sunny day on the shimmering shores of Lake Mead. A fireball erupting into the sky! A million bullets shredding through the air! A shrapnel storm of jagged metal shards and flaming tires!

Dell Touts Fire As Feature in Latest Ads

Dell Touts Fire As Feature in Latest Ads

Truth in advertising, from the Yahoo! homepage.

Even More Flaming Dell Laptops

Even More Flaming Dell Laptops

Hot on the heels of last week’s Dell notebook calling in the firetrucks, a Singapore man tells the Sydney Morning Herald about his self-immolating laptop.


• Internet sales tax is a Communist front. [The Red Tape Chronicles]

Another Dell Laptop Ablaze!

Another Dell Laptop Ablaze!

Incendiary photo evidence of a Dell laptop fire has thrown an extra log on the fire of Dell’s woes.

The Dumbest Dell CSR Who Ever Lived

The Dumbest Dell CSR Who Ever Lived

Jessica L. thinks she possibly made contact with the stupidest person to ever man the Dell phone lines.

Dell Employees Hate Dell, Buy Apple Products Instead

Dell Employees Hate Dell, Buy Apple Products Instead

Even as sales of Dell PCs plummet, Michael Dell has started spraying crazy man spittle out of his mouth when it comes to Apple, claiming that Apple’s share numbers don’t even make them competitors to Dell. This is disingenuous: world-wide, this is certainly true, but in the U.S., Apple comes in fourth place, and had a 15.4 percent growth per year compared to Dell’s 6.3% growth.

Dell’s Low Call Time Kills Customer Service

Dell’s Low Call Time Kills Customer Service

Beyond mere armchair bubble-piping on Dell’s eroding market share blah blah blah, a former Dell tech support rep lays out plain-spoken evidence for Dell’s declining concern for their customers. It’s got numbers, too.

Dell’s Business Model Hinges on Crappy CSRs

Dell’s Business Model Hinges on Crappy CSRs

And while we all darkly mull over the meaning of Dell’s built-in keyloggers, perhaps we can cheer ourselves up by at least reminding ourselves that Dell’s entire business is pretty much face down in a men’s room toilet. And if the keylogging accusations are true, maybe Dell should just have its throat slit and the toilet flushed.

Dell Keylogs As We Blanche

Dell Keylogs As We Blanche


The News; Now in 3-D!

The News; Now in 3-D!

• Quote of the week: “Dismissing this case at the outset would sacrifice liberty for no apparent enhancement of security.” [HoustonChronicle] “Judge Refuses to Dismiss EFF’s Spying Lawsuit Against US Government”

Dell: Liar, Liar, Laptop on Fire.

Dell: Liar, Liar, Laptop on Fire.

Or ‘Look! There’s Lithium-Ion Leaking Into Your Lap!’

Dell vs. MacBook Reveals Tepid Warmth, Not Exciting Scalding

Dell vs. MacBook Reveals Tepid Warmth, Not Exciting Scalding

Dells spontaneously combust. MacBooks melt scrotums. If reports are to be believed, ether company’s laptop is hot enough to cauterize lopped off limbs. But which one is hotter?

Dell’s Blog Has Hot, Sexy Girls 24/7!

Dell’s Blog Has Hot, Sexy Girls 24/7!

All The News That’s Fit To Self-Immolate

All The News That’s Fit To Self-Immolate

• It’s like that children’s game, would you rather have your hip disintegrate, or your jaw? [CT] “Lawyers gear up to attack Fosamax”

Best Posts Ever, This Week

Best Posts Ever, This Week

• Not quite what you would call a garden of earthly delights. “Life Inside in an AOL Call Center

Burn Dell Laptop Burn

Burn Dell Laptop Burn

This has been shooting around the net today but here’s a nice confluence between a Dell and the flames of Hell.