Jill noticed that there were two different designs of Dawn dish detergent on the shelf. As a savvy consumer, she knew that sometimes a redesign can mask a strike from the Grocery Shrink Ray. Indeed, the new bottles contained two fewer ounces of detergent, yet advertise that they contain “2X More.” Wait…two times more of what? [More]

More Dish Soap Is A Worse Deal At Walmart
Larry has learned well here at Consumerist. When he was shopping at Walmart recently, he picked up some dish soap. Before assuming that the larger quantity was the better deal and tossing the 38-ounce bottle in his cart, he stopped to do some math. That’s when he learned that the math on these bottles was a little fuzzy. Sudsy? [More]

Introducing The Most Worthless Coupon Ever
Coupons and promotions are great things to get customers into a store and to get our attention, but sometimes you have to stop and say, “Wait a minute.” Here are two cases of inauspicious promotions that readers have spotted lately: a stack of worthless coupons, and a gift card advertised at its face value. [More]

Grocery Shrink Ray Zaps 60 Pumps Away From My Dawn Direct Foam
Reader Psychodad1961 noticed that his Dawn Direct Foam dishwashing soap had been zapped by Consumerist’s patented, trademarked and copyrighted Grocery Shrink Ray — to the tune of 25%. [More]
Dawn Is Best For Washing Oily Birds — But Don't Use It For Pets
It’s true that a scrub with Dawn dishwashing detergent is the method of choice for removing oil from various wildlife — but you really shouldn’t use it on your pets, says a Procter & Gamble spokesperson. [More]

Grocery Shrink Ray Hits Dawn Soap
The grocery shrink ray continues firing unabated, this time scoring a direct hit on Dawn soap. Reader Courtney reports that Dawn containers, once a proud 740 ml, have now shrunk to a mere 650 ml—a loss of 90 ml of bleach-alternative cleanliness!

Ric Romero Reports: Battle Of The Dishwashing Detergents
Consumer Reports cut through the greasy claims of competing dishwasher detergents to find out which one is best suited for Ric Romero’s “dirty dish-duty.” The winner? Much like the Special Olympics, everyone won. Each detergent works fine if you scrub long enough. Efficiency comes with a price, and Dawn direct foam was the costliest and speediest of the twelve brands tested, followed closely by Ajax Lemon Dish Liquid.