
Make Sure You Secure Your Smartphone

Make Sure You Secure Your Smartphone

Do you own an iPhone, G1, Blackberry, Windows or Nokia smartphone? Fancy phones are a nice target for thieves, and unfortunately they’re often packed with sensitive information that can be too easily accessed and exploited. Why not take the time this weekend to make sure it’s secure?

Citibank Launches iPhone Version Of Mobile App

Citibank Launches iPhone Version Of Mobile App

Okay, all you iPhone dorks, Citi’s just released an easy way for you to keep track of your account balances while you’re running around pinching things bigger and smaller with your heavily patented gestures. Don’t worry, ugly phone owners, they’ve got other mobile versions too.

T-Mobile Customers Can Take Advantage Of Cheaper Plans Starting Today

T-Mobile Customers Can Take Advantage Of Cheaper Plans Starting Today

The rumor was true—T-Mobile has started offering cheaper unlimited voice plans to existing customers. Matthew wrote to us, “The TMO loyalty plans are showing up on the site as of today…we just moved to the Unlimited Loyalty Family Plan at $89.99, which is $10 cheaper than the 2000 minute Family Plan we’d been on.”

See The Bank Failure And Foreclosure Rates In Your State

See The Bank Failure And Foreclosure Rates In Your State

CNN Money has put together a couple of quick interactive maps of the U.S. that let you see the bank failure rates and foreclosure rates for each state. According to these two maps, Wyoming is the place to be.

Generic Drug Maker Ranbaxy Found Falsifying Data To FDA

Generic Drug Maker Ranbaxy Found Falsifying Data To FDA

The FDA has suspended all new drug applications from one of Ranbaxy’s plants in India—the Paonta Sahib plant—after “determining the facility was falsifying scientific data.” You may recall that last September the FDA banned the import of 30 popular generic meds made by Ranbaxy due in part to quality control issues from this very same plant. What do they think they are, a peanut butter factory?

AT&T Charges $27,788.93 To Watch A Bears Game On Your Laptop

AT&T Charges $27,788.93 To Watch A Bears Game On Your Laptop

Wayne has an AT&T wireless card that he uses in combination with his Slingbox to watch TV while he travels. It’s normally a good system, but he recently got a shockingly huge bill after watching about 2 1/2 hours of a Bears game while waiting for his cruise to depart Miami.

DVD Planet Uses 'Ebay' For Password, Sends It To You Via Email If You Ask

DVD Planet Uses 'Ebay' For Password, Sends It To You Via Email If You Ask

Dear DVD Planet, you might want to sit down with the person who designed your customer account system and have a long talk. You know, about things like data security. After we posted this story yesterday about an Amazon shopper who was surprised to find you’d automatically created a barely secure account in his name with his data, another reader—this time a former eBay customer from nearly two years ago—decided to check whether you’d done the same thing to her. Yep! And the password was “Ebay.”

DVD Planet's Automatic Account Creation Raises Security, Privacy Issues

DVD Planet's Automatic Account Creation Raises Security, Privacy Issues

Joel says when he ordered a disc from DVD Planet via Amazon, the company automatically created an account for him on their website. The problem is that the default password they used was so easy to guess that he figured it out on the second try, and he suspects it’s the same password they use on every account. Once you guess it, you can see the customer’s past orders and credit card billing address. When Joel contacted them to have the account removed, he was told that wasn’t possible.

Cellphone Recycler Says 99% Of Phones Still Contain Personal Data

Cellphone Recycler Says 99% Of Phones Still Contain Personal Data

Regenersis studied a random sample of 2000 handsets processed during the first week in December and found that 99% of handsets received contained some sort of personal data, including: contacts, SMS messages, pictures, music, videos, calendar entries, emails, notes, mailing lists and to do lists. In some cases, extremely sensitive information was contained, including bank details, addresses, and confidential emails.

How Unscrupulous Food Manufacturers Manipulate Lab Tests

How Unscrupulous Food Manufacturers Manipulate Lab Tests

In yesterday’s Peanut Corp. post, our commenter microguy07828 left a detailed explanation of how food manufacturers sometimes play dirty when it comes to getting the lab results they want on a product. We though it deserved more visibility in light of yesterday’s accusation that the Peanut Corp. of America knowingly shipped tainted peanut butter. As microguy07828 puts it, it “happens more often than you would think.” Hacked, User Names & Passwords Stolen Hacked, User Names & Passwords Stolen

Last Friday, announced that their database had been attacked, and that account names, passwords, email addresses, and phone numbers had been stolen. Unfortunately, they haven’t sent out email alerts to anyone—they just put the announcement up on the security section of their site. As our tipster Erica points out, “Given people’s tendencies to reuse passwords on multiple sites (BAD!), that they aren’t actively emailing and informing members of this breach is quite irresponsible.”

Hewlett Packard Wipes Your Hard Drive To Fix A Broken Key On Your Keyboard

Hewlett Packard Wipes Your Hard Drive To Fix A Broken Key On Your Keyboard

Here’s a story that should help to remind you to back up all your data — even if you’re just getting a key replaced on your keyboard.

The Idiot-Proof Way To Securely Use Public Wi-Fi

The Idiot-Proof Way To Securely Use Public Wi-Fi

We talk a lot on this blog about personal data and privacy, but not so much about how to secure that data on your own computer. That’s because a.) we’re not Lifehacker and b.) the solutions frequently bloat into crazy, jargon-filled recipes that scare away the non-IT crowd. Not this time! For all you novices, here is a single idea you should consider that will help keep your personal data personal, and make your identity that much harder to steal.

How To Get Utilities And Phone Service Without Giving Up Your SSN

How To Get Utilities And Phone Service Without Giving Up Your SSN

As several readers discussed in yesterday’s post, utility, phone, and cable companies usually require your Social Security number in order to perform a credit check before activating service. You don’t have to provide it, but they don’t have to extend their services to you either. Here’s one reader’s explanation of how he was able to turn on water, electricity, gas, and an AT&T land line without turning over his SSN.


This Saturday (September 20th) is the Better Business Bureau’s “Secure Your ID” day: in select cities, “bring up to three boxes or bags of paper documents that contain your personal information and we’ll shred them.” Or, you know, just do it yourself all year long. [BBB]

Forever 21 Aftershocks? Citibank Cancels Cards Due To Retailer Security Breach

Forever 21 Aftershocks? Citibank Cancels Cards Due To Retailer Security Breach

We’ve received queries from readers telling us that their Citibank cards have been replaced, and asking whether we’ve heard about any new security breach. Other than Forever 21 we haven’t, so we’re wondering whether they’re responsible for the stories below.

ATT Data Network Down, Complain For Credits

ATT Data Network Down, Complain For Credits

AT&T wireless is experiencing some kind of data outage in the Northeast, and if you call up and complain, you can get a $10-$20 credit (YMMV), Gizmodo reports. Let us know in the comments if you’re an AT&T user experiencing data outages, where you’re located, and if you have any luck snagging credits. If calling 611 from your phone doesn’t work for ya, here is a variety of contact information to try.

Aflac Accidentally Introduces 624 Strangers To Each Other Via Mass Email

Aflac Accidentally Introduces 624 Strangers To Each Other Via Mass Email

We’d hoped that Activision’s blunder would be the last one, but it turns out the HR department at Aflac can’t find the BCC field either. Reader Corey writes in to let us know he just received an email addressed to him and 623 other people who were interested in jobs with the insurance company. Our guess is some of the recipients won’t be so interested in a career with a company that doesn’t care about the privacy of its employees. After the jump, a quick guide to obscuring other recipients’ email addresses so this doesn’t happen again.