Look, everyone! Outside! Can you see it? It’s Friday. It’s here. You know how we can tell? Because a video of the happiest guy in a Sam’s Club in dancing his butt off to the delight of customers just came across my desk, which is an Internet desk and looks like something from the future. Anyway, Friday! [More]

Couple Gets $75K In Settlement After Arrest For Dancing The Charleston In NYC Subway
Unless you live in the world of Footloose, it’s quite uncommon for dancing to be classified as a crime. But one couple has been defending the right to do the Charleston in public since they were arrested for doing so back in July 2011, and it sounds like they’ve come to a satisfactory resolution. New York City has settled with the couple for $75,000 after police arrested them for dancing in a subway station. [More]

What IT Does While On Hold With Blackberry Tech Support
The next time you’re on musical hold trying to get through to customer service, don’t get mad. Be like this IT guy and use it as an opportunity to express yourself through the transformative power of dance. You’ll feel less powerless and burn a few calories too. Watching this is the Law of Increasing Returns in action; each time I watch it, it amuses me more than the last. [More]

GM Reveals Secret Project It Developed With Bailout Money
Finally, the truth is revealed: this is clearly where the bailout money went. Below, watch a Chevy Volt promotion song-and-dance-spectacular performed earlier this month at the LA Auto Show. [More]
Wanted: Singing, Kung-Fu Stewardesses
What are the requirements to be a flight attendant? A cute wiggle. A superhuman patience with the bovanity of humankind. The ability to comfortably work for hours at a time in panty hose.