It’s an extremely minor inconvenience when you need to pick up some milk and have to walk all the way to the back of the grocery store to get it? Everyone knows that it’s because stores want to make customers walk through the entire store so they’ll pick up some non-milk items. Why even post about this? [More]

Got Milk? Only In California: National Industry Group Drops Slogan
You can take away an advertising slogan, but you can never take my milk mustache indicating that I do, indeed, have milk. The Milk Processor Education Program is dropping its 29-year-old tagline “Got Milk?” in favor of a new one to highlight how nutritional the stuff is. Only the California group is keeping the slogan instead of switching to “Milk Life.” [More]

Congress Reaches Compromise On Farm Bill To Avoid Going Off The Milk Cliff
While there’s still that pretty important fiscal cliff Congress is still trying to avoid careening over, it seems lawmakers have at least reached a compromise that will keep the country from the so-called “milk cliff.” The deal still has to be approved by both the Senate and the House, but if it works, we likely won’t be seeing $7 milk in the grocery aisle any time soon. Whew. [More]

Dairy Industry Worried That The Answer To “Got Milk?” These Days Is: “Nope.”
Back in milk’s heyday, the cool thing to do in a commercial was proudly wear a white mustache and smirk, “Got Milk?” The idea being, if you didn’t, you weren’t being healthy, as milk was the reigning drink in the health food arena. All you had to do was drink a glass a day and you could claim that yes, you had milk. But with all the energy drinks and enhanced waters flooding the market these days, dairy farmers are worried they’re losing their audience. [More]

Meet The Lactose Intolerant Dairy Princess
A potential Washington State Dairy Ambassador does not have the stomach for the product she endorses. Lucky for her, the rigid requirements for the position do not include lactose tolerance. [More]

Visit NYC, Eat Breast-Milk Cheese
If you want to try human breast-milk cheese, make sure you stop in at Klee Brasserie in New York City the next time you visit. It’s made from the chef’s own wife, and he tells the New York Post, “It tastes like cow’s-mik cheese, kind of sweet,” and changes flavor depending on “what the mother eats.” His wife says, “The breast is there to make food.” Maybe, but I’m thinking this is a good way to shave a little off the cheese budget. [More]

Find Out Where Your Dairy And Produce Items Came From
A longtime reader sent in a couple of links to websites that let you find out more about your food supply chain, if you’re into that sort of stuff. Where is my milk from? matches carton codes with a list of dairies published by the FDA. FoodLogiq is less user-friendly and requires free registration, but you can apparently use it to track produce from participating growers. (Thanks to Cy!) [More]

Lactose Intolerant? Drink Milk!
If you think you’re lactose intolerant, the National Institutes of Health says, well… maybe you’re not. In a statement released yesterday, the NIH claims that lactose intolerance is nowhere near as prevalent as it’s believed and that a general misunderstanding of lactose is causing people to not get the Vitamin D and calcium they need. [More]

Here's A Simple Tutorial On Expiration Dates
Howcast has produced a quick video tutorial covering the basics of expiration and sell by dates. If you have questions about eggs, meat, canned goods, or storing things in the freezer, check it out.

Farmers Slaughtering Dairy Cows Rather Than Lose Money Producing Milk
It’s so expensive to produce milk right now — due to low demand and high feed costs — that farmers are being paid to slaughter dairy cows in order to “shift the pain to consumers,” says Bloomberg.

Grocery Store Just Can't Stop Selling Expired Yogurt
Esther doesn’t want much. She just wants to buy some yogurt that hasn’t expired. It seems that’s too much to ask of her local Safeway near Baltimore.

This Dairy-Free Soyatoo Soy Whip May Contain Traces Of Dairy
Stephen’s wife is trying to be a good vegan, one who doesn’t eat dairy, so naturally she was surprised that her “Dairy Free” Soyatoo Soy Whip warned that it might “contain traces of dairy.”

Chinese Dairy Companies Apologize For Melamine Scandal Via Text Message
Twenty-two dairy companies sent out a text message to millions of Chinese consumers last week to apologize for selling tainted milk products. According to the BBC, it read, “We are deeply sorry for the harm caused to the children and the society. We sincerely apologise for that and we beg your forgiveness.”
Chairwoman of Chinese dairy company pleads guilty in melamine case, may face death penalty. [Reuters]

Melamine Tainted Dairy Products Sicken 53,000 Children, Nearly 13,000 Hospitalized
China’s chief quality supervisor was replaced today as the total number of children sickened from dairy products tainted with melamine (the same substance that was found in contaminated pet food last year) grew to 53,000. Nearly 13,000 children have been hospitalized and 4 have died. Products manufactured by 22 companies were found to contain melamine, says Bloomberg.

Tropicana: Our 100% Juice Could Contain "Anything From Nature," Even Dairy
It’s apparently a whole lot of fun to try to get a straight answer out of Tropicana as to what “natural flavors” are in their 100% juice.

Fred Meyer Says Cheese Is Not A Dairy Product
Go shopping for cheese at the Ballard Fred Myer in Seattle, and you’ll learn an interesting new fact about your food: