
Cingular Wants To Yank Docs From Consumerist

Cingular Wants To Yank Docs From Consumerist

Here is the note Cingular’s legal counsel sent us to take down documents we posted. The items have info about how Cingular determines a customer’s “long term value” or “LTV.” This LTV is used to determine how many discounts they will give you to prevent you from cancelling your account.

Cingular Wants Us To Take Their Documents Down

Cingular Wants Us To Take Their Documents Down

We just received a note from Cingular’s legal department.

Executive Customer Support: Finding The Number

Executive Customer Support: Finding The Number

So, you want to obtain executive level customer support but can’t find their phone number. That’s understandable, most companies don’t want you to. But access to the corporate switchboard can be yours with a little sleuthing.

The Real Dope on Recording Customer Service Calls

The Real Dope on Recording Customer Service Calls

It’s totally legal to record conversations across state lines and you don’t have to tell the company at all.

Dell’s Low Call Time Kills Customer Service

Dell’s Low Call Time Kills Customer Service

Beyond mere armchair bubble-piping on Dell’s eroding market share blah blah blah, a former Dell tech support rep lays out plain-spoken evidence for Dell’s declining concern for their customers. It’s got numbers, too.

Former Elite AOL Retainer Interviewed

Former Elite AOL Retainer Interviewed

Tricks an AOL retainer used to keep people from cancelling:

AOL Don’t Wanna Talk Bout No Manual

AOL Don’t Wanna Talk Bout No Manual

CNet got AOL on the horn to talk about the AOL retention manual we uploaded, but the big triangle didn’t have much to say, except for:

Retro AOL Bashing

Retro AOL Bashing

Even before the roaring 2000’s ravaged AOL’s subscriber base like colectomy through Denny’s, the ISP was catching flack over its retention policies, as noted in an article from the golden-tinged yesteryears of 1998.

How Cingular Avoids Giving Discounts to Worthless Customers

How Cingular Avoids Giving Discounts to Worthless Customers

A snip from a recent memo that teaches Cingular retention specialists how to avoid giving discounts to customers they deem unprofitable.

Cingular Distills Customer Value Into Thermometer Form

Cingular Distills Customer Value Into Thermometer Form

A customer service source inside Cingular sends us some interesting internal documents and says the cellphone company has a new policy that’s got the headset set in a bind. He reports that Cingular will, “no longer discount equipment for customers that are not profitable for us, no mater where they stand contractually. I have received several calls from customers attempting to upgrade, only to have to inform them that although yes, they are out of contract, we will not offer them discounted equipment. “

AOL Retention Manual Uploaded in Full

AOL Retention Manual Uploaded in Full

And finally, here is the full AOL retention manual, along with flowchart. Right click

Confessions of a Former AOL Retainer

Confessions of a Former AOL Retainer


AOL Retention Manual Revealed

AOL Retention Manual Revealed

In August of 2005, America Online settled with the office of NY Attorney General Eliot Spitzer over complaints about how arduous AOL made it to cancel service. In addition to a $1.25 million fine, AOL agreed to streamline the cancellation process and submit all calls for third-party review. On June 13, 2006, Vincent Ferrari posted a recording he made of his attempt to leave America Online. It shot to national TV and revealed AOL hadn’t learned the error of its ways. For “John,” the call center employee heard on the tape, to deploy the kind of mental warfare heard on the tape, he had to be well-trained…

Page From AOL Retention Manual

Page From AOL Retention Manual

We’re putting the finishing touches on our big post on the AOL manual but wanted to release this sneak peak…

AOL Retains Customers With Siamese Twin Goatse.cx

AOL Retains Customers With Siamese Twin Goatse.cx

Homestar Runner Cartoon Skewers Tech Support

Homestar Runner Cartoon Skewers Tech Support

Death, Taxes and CSR’s

Reader Matt’s dad recently died. We’re sorry for your loss, Matt. There’s never anything else to say when the life of one we remember as god-like when we were children is ultimately proved as fragile as anyone else’s.