Despite the fact that the Securities and Exchange Commission warned early adopters of bitcoin that the cryptocurrency is prime for scammers and other ne’er-do-wells looking to take advantage of people, it seems it’s still catching on with a wider audience. Joining the bitcoin ranks this week is Dish Network, which said it will start accepting bitcoin payments from customers soon. [More]

What Does A Bitcoin Smell Like? Who Knows, But Now Bitcologne Exists
It’s a new rule for a new age: With every hot new thing introduced into the public consciousness, there’s bound to be a slew of loosely-but-not-really-related products trying to ride its wave of popularity. To wit: Bitcoin, that mysterious cryptocurrency that makes many people go “Huh, what’s that?” now has a cologne named for it – Bitcologne, of course, “made for peer-to-peer interaction.” Raaarr? [More]

Bitcoin: What The Heck Is It, And How Does It Work?
The world of finance and economics is pretty complicated as-is, and now there’s “digital money” in the mix making it even worse. Bitcoin is everywhere in the news lately, from hacks to hearings and everything in between. But there are a lot of questions about Bitcoin — starting with, what the heck is all this, anyway? And so, here is everything you wanted to know about Bitcoin, but didn’t actually want to ask your tech-loving, early-adopter friend. [More]