When Houston police showed up to investigate a report of a home burglary, they likely weren’t expecting to find two people attempting to flee the scene in a car overstuffed with 600 pounds of methamphetamine-laced lollipops. [More]

Angry About Onions In Your Food? Please Keep Your Pants On
Is it upsetting to receive an ingredient in your food that you do not like? Sure. But please, the next time your meal isn’t satisfactory, just remember to keep your pants on: Police in Pittsburgh say a man who was angry about the onions in his food on Monday returned to express his displeasure on Tuesday — and showed employees a bit more than they wanted to see. [More]

The Russians Are After Our Chocolate And Slot Machines
When you think of mobsters involved in trafficking stolen goods, perhaps you drugs, cigarettes, and guns come to mind. But the more than 30 people associated with an alleged Russian crime syndicate in New York arrested this week are also accused of dealing in something a bit sweeter — 10,000 pounds of pilfered chocolate. [More]

Digital Rights Advocates Sue Justice Dept. To Learn More About FBI Paying Off Best Buy Informants
A child pornography case in California has grown into a strange thing over the years, as lawyers for the defendant argued — and later proved — that the FBI had been paying Best Buy employees after they found illegal content on customers’ devices. Now the EFF is suing the Justice Department to find out just how the feds found, recruited, and trained these informants, and just how widespread the practice is. [More]

Online Eyeglass Vendor Who Threatened Customers Arrested Again For Running Another Bogus Store
You may remember the bizarre tale of Vitaly Borker, the man who served three years in prison for trying to boost his Google search ranking by harassing his customers online. Federal prosecutors say he’s back at it, once again selling eyewear on the internet, and allegedly bullying customers who dare to ask for refunds. [More]

Pizza Hut Worker Pepper-Sprayed Coworker In Dispute Over Toppings
We often hear of customers overreacting during conflicts with store employees and restaurant workers, but sometimes, even fast food coworkers turn on each other. [More]

Bloodhound Sniffs Out Pizza Thieves Who Lured Delivery Driver To Abandoned House
It’s not an episode of Scooby-Doo* but a recent crime caper in California does sound pretty darn close: A police bloodhound came to the rescue after teens lured a Domino’s delivery driver to an abandoned house and then robbed him of both money and pizza. [More]

Flower Shop Owner Accused Of Stealing Plants From Cemetery
You might walk past a grave and see a beautiful bouquet of flowers and think “Those would look good in my living room,” but (we’re hoping) you don’t follow through on the impulse for free flora. However, one florist has been accused of repeatedly stealing plants and flowers from local grave sites. [More]

Google, Facebook Employees Targeted In $100M Phishing Scam
When the Justice Department recently said that two major tech companies had paid out a total of $100 million to a scammer posing as a hardware manufacturer, it chose to not name the businesses that had been conned. But now, both Google and Facebook are confirming that they were the ones victimized by this phishing scheme. [More]

Uber Driver Charged With Raping Passenger
An Uber driver in California has been charged with raping a female passenger in his car in March, after he picked her up from a company function. [More]

Man Assumed He Could Grow Marijuana Because He “Thought It Would Be Legal Soon”
Sure, some bartenders might serve you a beer a few hours before your official 21st birthday, but that’s a far cry from growing 40 marijuana plants under the assumption that your state is going to legalize pot at some point in the near future. [More]

Victim’s FitBit Data Plays Part In Husband’s Arrest For Her Murder
A murdered Connecticut woman may not be able to point out the person who killed her, but police say data obtained from her FitBit fitness tracker helped lead to the arrest of her husband. [More]

Woman Accused Of Choking Girl For Blocking Her View During Disney Fireworks Show
It can be frustrating to have someone blocking your view during an exciting moment like a fireworks show. But that doesn’t mean you should resort to violence if someone is in your way. [More]

Police: Uber Driver Sexually Assaulted Passenger, More Victims May Be Out There
An Uber driver in southern California has been arrested “on suspicion of various sexual assault crimes” after he was accused of parking his van and sexually assaulting a sleeping passenger near her home. Now police have put the word out that they’re looking for other possible victims. [More]

Airport Worker Accused Of Stealing Guns From Travelers, Trading Them For Pot
Whenever you check your bag before a flight, you’re putting a high degree of trust in airport staff that they won’t help themselves to the things inside. Yet another baggage handler has been accused of violating that trust, allegedly stealing guns out of travelers’ bags to trade for drugs. [More]

Here’s A Snap-On Bluetooth Skimmer Spotted Out In The Wild
Have you ever wondered how a retailer can leave a Bluetooth skimmer on a payment card terminal in its stores for weeks at a time? It’s harder to detect the devices than you might think, because crooks have their own places to shop for spare parts that snap right on a payment terminal and are hard to spot if you aren’t looking for them. [More]

Police: Florida Man Interprets “Test Drive” As “Free $150K Maserati”
If you sell cars, you’ve probably had your share of jokes from “hilarious” customers who crack wise about making off with the car they are test-driving, but most car-shoppers are indeed only joking about committing grand theft auto. Then there’s the Florida man accused of using a test drive to help himself to a $150,000 Maserati. [More]

Man Accused Of Planning To Put Bombs In Target Stores To Drive Down Company’s Stock
It’s not uncommon to hold a grudge against a company for one reason or another, but a Florida man allegedly took his beef a step further with a plot to set off homemade explosives in several Target stores on the East Coast. Why? Authorities say the man wanted to send Target’s stock into a tailspin. [More]