If there’s any lesson to be learned from this story it’s this: When you decide to take a bunch of clothes into a store’s changing room with the intention of voiding your bladder all over them, do not leave your wallet behind. [More]
crime news

Robber Steals Man's iPad & Part Of His Finger
A Colorado man has suffered permanent damage to his hand after a robber made off with the victim’s new iPad, and a good chunk of his pinky finger. [More]

Walmart Bomb Threat Suspect Already Waiting Trial For Similar Charge
Police in Oklahoma say that the man arrested over the weekend for phoning in a bomb threat to an Oklahoma City Walmart is currently awaiting trial for doing the same thing to an employment agency office only a few months earlier. [More]

NJ Man Wants Filet-O-Fish, Crawls Into Drive-Thru Window To Get It
McDonald’s: Taking his cue from both Cheeseburger Josh and that irritating “Gimme That Filet-o-Fish” ad, a dude in South Brunswick, NJ, got so impatient with the service at the drive-thru that he crawled through the window, slapped the employee and then escaped with his precious fish sandwich. [More]

The Grease Blotter: Today In Fast Food Related Crime
For whatever reason, fast food joints seem to be a target for crimes of all sorts. Ranging from outlandish to horrific, we’ll occasionally bring you The Grease Blotter, a round-up of the latest in crimes involving fast food chains. [More]

Computer Hacking ID Thief Gets 20-Year Prison Term
A federal court in Boston has sentenced Albert Gonzalez, the Miami computer hacker behind millions of dollars in credit card theft from national retailers like TJ Maxx, BJs, Barnes & Noble and more, to 20 years in prison for his crimes. [More]

Efficient (But Dumb) Bank Robbers Call Ahead To Place Order For Pick-Up
There’s nothing worse than getting stuck in line at the bank, right? That’s why a pair of impatient would-be robbers did the most sensible thing when they attempted to hold up a Connecticut bank yesterday — they called ahead. [More]

Robbers Hold Up Taco Bell… For Apple Pies
It’s not exactly Jean Valjean stealing a loaf of bread to feed his starving family, but on Monday night a trio of hungry robbers held up a Charlotte, NC, Taco Bell just to get some free food. [More]

Shoplifters Sentenced To Jail After Bragging On Dr. Phil Show
A judge in California sentenced to jail a couple convicted of selling more than $100,000 worth of stolen goods online… after they went on The Dr. Phil Show and bragged about it. [More]

Convict Tries, Fails To Use Google As Get Out Of Jail Free Card
A convicted bank robber had been hoping to get out of jail because the judge in his parole revocation hearing admitted to doing a Google search on a piece of evidence. Unfortunately for him — and fortunately for just about everyone else — an appeals court disagreed. [More]

That Mysterious $230,000 Deposited In Your Bank Account Is Probably Not Yours
If you checked your bank account balance to see a mysterious $230,000 deposit, what would you do? If your answer is “contact the bank and make sure the money goes back to its rightful owner,” you are correct. If you said “buy a Camaro and a new wardrobe, check into a hotel, and brag about your windfall to a police officer,” you are incorrect. Unfortunately, an Alaska fisherman chose that second option, and now he’s in jail. [More]

Relative Of Slain 7-11 Employee Wants Company To Install Bulletproof Glass
Late Wednesday night in a Kansas City 7-11, employee Gurpreet Singh was shot by a robber, even after he handed over the cash without protest. And now a relative of Sing wants the convenience store chain to install safety glass in all their stores before another employee dies. [More]