credit reports

Help! Gambling Site Threatening To Ruin My Credit

benpopken: How often are they contacting you and by what means?

Get Another Free Credit Report, Even If You've Used Up Your Free One

There is another way to get a free credit report if you’ve already used up your free one per year through

Rollerskates On A Glacier: Verizon's Ability To Fix Billing Errors

Rollerskates On A Glacier: Verizon's Ability To Fix Billing Errors

Joe checks his credit report and sees a ding from Verizon. Calls Verizon. They say, you have an outstanding balance. Which we never told you about. But we reported it to the credit bureaus. No you can’t pay it off. It’s not in our system. Our system doesn’t keep track of outstanding amounts under $50. No we won’t fix your credit report. Let me transfer you to someone who can help… For English, press one. Para espanol, marques dos…

How Banks Freeze Terrorist Founds With A Free, Public, .TXT

A text file. That’s what banks use to freeze the assets of terrorists, drug traffickers, and nuclear weapons dealers. A dot txt downloadable from the U.S. Treasury website.

Dispute Credit Histories When Companies Combine

Dispute Credit Histories When Companies Combine

The best time to dispute erroneous credit report items is when companies merge, says reader Thomas. It’s a little gray hat but hey, power to the people.

Delete Negative Items From Your Credit Report

Delete Negative Items From Your Credit Report

Recently we checked out our credit report and were surprised to see a $500 unpaid charge. It was from a video store we frequented in college. (We could’ve sworn we returned Wicker Man….) The video store had never sent us any notice and the debt was sold to a collection agency, who had also never contacted us. Odd.

AOL Sells Ads To Website Under Attorney General Investigation

AOL Sells Ads To Website Under Attorney General Investigation

AOL apparently missed our post on how the Florida Attorney General is investigating

Florida AG Investigates

Florida AG Investigates

The Florida Attorney General’s office has opened an investigation into for, “failure to adequately disclose negative option enrollment … deceptive advertising, misleading domain name, and failure to honor cancellations.”

Fix Your Credit Score Fast, For A Price

Fix Your Credit Score Fast, For A Price

If it were Monopoly, the card would say, “Bank Error Not In Your Favor.”

Get Free Credit Reports By Mail Or Phone

In addition to filing online at, there’s two more ways to get a free credit report.

How Do You Prove You’re Not Dead?

Continuing our foray into the consumer macabre, a reader complains about being dead.

With Vigorous Cane Shaking, America Responds To 20/20 Story

With Vigorous Cane Shaking, America Responds To 20/20 Story

Of all the complaints that flooded our inbox following our 20/20 appearance, this is our favorite.

AudioEdit: Fears Identity Theft

We saw a credit card on our credit report that we had no idea about. We called up Bank of America.

Don’t Pay For Your Credit Report

Don’t Pay For Your Credit Report

This month marks the one year anniversary of Congress granting consumers the right to one free credit report per year. You can get yours at Anyone else, including and especially FreeCreditReport, run by none other than credit reporting company Experian, asking for money, is a ripoff.

Free Credit Report Nightmare Yields New ‘Screw Off!’ Champ!

Free Credit Report Nightmare Yields New ‘Screw Off!’ Champ!

We think we have a new favorite “go screw” line from a company: We understand that the privacy and security of your information is important to you; therefore we cannot provide a specific reason as to why we cannot fulfill your request. That just punches a steaming hand, Fist of the North Star style, right through the sternum of our old fave, We appreciate your concerns.