credit cards

Awesome Person Obtains Capital One Card Personalized With Nick Nolte’s Mugshot

Awesome Person Obtains Capital One Card Personalized With Nick Nolte’s Mugshot

David L. Mackie, a 35-year-old salesman from Oklahoma is perhaps the coolest person ever. He personalized his Capital One credit card with Nick Nolte’s mugshot, and now, embarrassed, Capital One has offered to pay him $50 to send it back.

Citibank Will Split Into Two Companies, Promises To Lend To Consumers

Citibank Will Split Into Two Companies, Promises To Lend To Consumers

Vikram Pandit, CEO of Citigroup, announced today that the company would be split after reporting a net loss for 2008 of $18.72 billion. He also promised to put the money from the $700 bailout to work by extending credit to consumers and businesses… responsibly.

What Happens To The Baggage After A Plane Crash?

What Happens To The Baggage After A Plane Crash?

Though it probably couldn’t be farther from their minds, at some point after many hugs and hot chocolates, the passengers of U.S. Airways flight 1549 are going to wonder what happens next to their baggage.

Credit Card Scammers Convince Cashier To Call Fake Number To Approve $8,000 Purchase

Credit Card Scammers Convince Cashier To Call Fake Number To Approve $8,000 Purchase

These two guys somehow managed to make off with an $8,000 purchase at Hattiesburg Cycles in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, by telling the cashier that they were expecting their (fake) credit card to be denied, and to call a phone number to validate it. The catch: they gave the cashier the phone number to call.

Did Adele Services Charge Your Credit Card? The Company Does Not Exist

Did Adele Services Charge Your Credit Card? The Company Does Not Exist

The Boston Globe says that credit card users are noticing a mysterious charge for about 25 cents from Adele Services in Melville, NY. The trouble is, “There is no business by that name listed in Melville, or registered to any business anywhere in New York, for that matter.” No one knows yet whether these small charges are tests for larger unauthorized debits, or if this is the entire scam. Either way, check your statement and be sure to file a dispute—and request a new card—if you come across it.

Consumers Are Learning The Hard Way: There's No Such Thing As A Fixed Rate Credit Card

Consumers Are Learning The Hard Way: There's No Such Thing As A Fixed Rate Credit Card

For years personal finance experts have been telling consumers to watch out — that there was “no such thing” as a “fixed rate” credit card — the bank can raise your interest rate whenever it wants as long as it gives you a little notice. You don’t have to miss a payment. You don’t have to do anything “wrong.” Now some consumers are learning the hard way.

Deprogram Bad "Money Scripts"

Deprogram Bad "Money Scripts"

How you relate to money money could have a lot to do with emotional connections you made to money at a young age, and these so-called “money scripts” can be a blindspot that’s causing you financial pain, reports WSJ.

US Airways Doesn't Know Why They're Charging You $25, Doesn't Care

US Airways Doesn't Know Why They're Charging You $25, Doesn't Care

Reader Alex says that U.S. Airways charged him a $25 fee that they can’t explain — and are unwilling to remove. If he doesn’t like the mystery fee, he says, he was told to do a chargeback.

Your Credit Card Costs Consumers ~$50,000,000,000 Per Year

Your Credit Card Costs Consumers ~$50,000,000,000 Per Year

Not all money is created equal. It costs retailers extra in fees when you use a credit card, a costs that gets passed right back to you in the form of higher prices, and how much that is depends on which credit card you use. To see how much more expensive your credit card is making life, enter the first 6 digits of your credit card over at, a mashup developed by reader Sean Harper and his friend. This is the bank identification number and cannot be used to steal your credit card, so don’t worry. If you rather not do that, you can also see the results for an AMEX, a debit card, Mastercard rewards card, or a Visa rewards card. Of the project, Sean writes:

3 New Credit Card Rules Got Chucked

3 New Credit Card Rules Got Chucked

Some of those pro-consumer credit card rules that we reported on have already disappeared. That’s because our post was based on the preliminary report, but by the final version, three got chucked. Here’s the final tally:

Despite Having A S*%!load Of Our Money, Banks Still Aren't Lending

Despite Having A S*%!load Of Our Money, Banks Still Aren't Lending

Gripped by “catatonic fear,” banks still aren’t thawing credit markets, “leaving taxpayers propping up an industry that won’t lend to them.” [Bloomberg] (Photo: The Joy of the Mundane)

How Universities And Credit Card Companies Make Money Off Of Students

How Universities And Credit Card Companies Make Money Off Of Students

How can an educational institute act in its students’ best interest if it stands to make money off of increasing their debt load? The symbiotic relationship between universities and credit card companies is being questioned more than ever by student groups and politicians, writes the New York Times.


If you used your debit card at Macy’s on the Saturday before Christmas, you might have been charged twice.

ExxonMobil Gift Card Results In Higher Prices At Pump

ExxonMobil Gift Card Results In Higher Prices At Pump

ExxonMobil says their gift cards are “better than cash.” They also say, “This cash card is not a credit card.” But Rob in NY was hit with a credit card surcharge when he used his.

AMEX Lowers Your Credit Limit If You Shop Where Deadbeats Shop

AMEX Lowers Your Credit Limit If You Shop Where Deadbeats Shop

AMEX is now cutting people’s credit limits for shopping at the wrong store.

New Credit Card Rules Will Force Banks To Reduce Credit Lines, Close Accounts, Supposedly

New Credit Card Rules Will Force Banks To Reduce Credit Lines, Close Accounts, Supposedly

Here’s another reason to wean yourself off of credit cards, and build up a robust emergency fund, in 2009: the credit card party is about to really dry up, says one analyst.

Beware: Credit Card Minimum Payments Are Messing With Your Mind

Beware: Credit Card Minimum Payments Are Messing With Your Mind

Credit Card minimum payments are supposed to help keep the accumulation of interest on credit card debt from getting out of control — but a new study reported in the Economist suggests that minimum payments do more harm than good.

New Rules Kill Credit Card Industry's Most Abusive Practices

New Rules Kill Credit Card Industry's Most Abusive Practices

Fed regulators adopted new rules for the credit card industry that will curtail some of their most anti-consumer practices. Unfortunately, they don’t take effect until July, 2010. Here’s what they are: