Listen, Creative, we call it Christmas Creep because most companies realize that flaunting Christmas schmaltz over the summer is an insane affront to our consumer sensibilities. That doesn’t stop them, but they at least have the decency to roll out the decorations quietly, not splash them over their websites in some grotesquely unseasonal embrace. Have you no shame, sirs? Take the stupid Christmas hats off your headphones and send that tropical Santa back to the southern hemisphere where he belongs.

No, You Should Not Pay Your $206 Speeding Ticket With Urine-Soaked Coins
47-year-old Washington resident Michael Lynch tried and failed to pay a $206 speeding ticket with a plastic bag filled with coins and urine. Surprisingly, his special payment for doing 54 mph in a 35 mph construction zone didn’t violate any laws…

Pizzeria Employees Wear T-Shirts With Quotes From Nasty Yelp Reviews
Here’s a little bit of brilliance — a pizzeria in San Francisco has taken quotes from nasty 1 star reviews on Yelp! and make them into t-shirts for their employees to wear. We love this.

Fry's Price Matches, But Only If You Pay "Overnight Shipping" For Item In Your Hand
This Fry’s in Texas apparently wants you to pay for them to replace their inventory. Or they think their customers are idiots. Maybe both?
Get Half Off New Mp3 Player In Creative MP3 Player Class Action
If you bought a Creative MP3 player in the past…

Creative Backs Down, Reinstates Spurned Developer
Creative Labs heard your chest-beating across the internet and decided to reinstate spurned developer Daniel_K less than a week after booting him from their forums. Unlike Creative, Daniel_K issued drivers that allowed Creative sound cards to work properly under Vista, and even enabled previously crippled features. The drivers were downloaded over 100,000 times. The company thanked the developer by accusing him of “enabling our technology and IP to run on sound cards for which it was not originally offered or intended, [in] effect, stealing our goods.” Even though he has been reinstated, Daniel_K is still pissed.
Here’s how the Newegg email address was spoofed on the Creative forum over the weekend: Creative has a security protocol in place where you have to verify your email address before you can post. However, after you publish a post you can go back and change your address to anything you like. You won’t be able to verify the spoofed address and therefore won’t be able to post anything new—but anything you already posted will now display the spoofed address. Maybe you can get Daniel_K to fix your forum boards, Creative. (Thanks to Jawaad!)

Creative Sparks Customer Revolt When It Tries To Silence Third-Party Programmer
Creative’s executive team will be coming in to quite a mess Monday morning, thanks to its VP of Screw Ups, Phil O’Shaughnessy. Friday morning, he posted a warning on the Creative customer forums that told programmer Daniel_K to stop writing his own drivers for their X-Fi sound cards. The cards still won’t work on Vista over a year after the OS was released, because Creative hasn’t released drivers for them—but by Mr. O’Shaughnessy’s account, Daniel_K is “stealing” from Creative by making the cards work. Then the weekend happened.

Flyer's Rights Protest Involves Airplane Themed Tent, Smelly Portable Toilets
The Coalition For A Passenger’s Bill of Rights cracks us up. They went to D.C. and erected an airplane-themed tent complete with smelly portable toilets in an attempt to recreate the feel of a real-life tarmac imprisonment.

Creative Sues Apple, Claims They Created MP3 Menus
Could patent law be any more absurd? Perhaps we’re on the wrong end of it, but it seems that the only tangible result of modern patent law is a string of nuisance lawsuits in which one company attempts to rob consumers of a product they enjoy by suing a company that has made an ostensibly similar competing device. Re: Blackberry. But now, Creative vs. Apple.

How DRM Affects Battery Life
With all the furor over DRM lately, CNet asked itself the simple question, “How does DRM affect battery life on your iPod?” As you might expect, the answer is — badly.
Morning Deals Round-Up
• If you are actually going to buy an MP3 player that isn’t an iPod, Best Buy has a promotion that gives you a free $50 gift card with the purchase—excluding iPods. The Sandisk Sansa 512MB player is just $100, for instance.