
Don't Visit Blockbuster To Redeem This Coupon

Don't Visit Blockbuster To Redeem This Coupon

This Blockbuster coupon cannot be redeemed for free rentals, soda, or popcorn. It is a waste of toner and time. From Snopes:

United Airlines Solves Stranded Passenger Problem With 20% Off Coupons

United Airlines Solves Stranded Passenger Problem With 20% Off Coupons

Thank goodness for United Airlines, they’ve solved the problem of what to do with grounded, stranded passengers. You know, the problem that Congress has been having hearings about? The solution: a 20% off coupon, a $10 airport meal voucher and a note of apology! The Denver Post says that United will consider anyone with a taxi-out delay of more than 3 hours or a taxi-in delay of more than 90 minutes eligible for the goodies.

Retailmenot Coupon Site Redesigned: Prettier, More Useful

Retailmenot Coupon Site Redesigned: Prettier, More Useful

Retailmenot, the online coupon site built by the same fine folks behind BugMeNot, have kicked up their design and usability with a fresh new look.

Flatter Your Favorite Brands For Coupons

Flatter Your Favorite Brands For Coupons

Faye over at “The Dollar Stretcher” doesn’t wait for desirable coupons to appear in the weekly circular. She writes directly to her favorite brands asking for coupons. The results are surprising.

Since September, I have been sending emails and making toll-free phone calls to manufacturers who make the products we like. The email I send is nearly the same for each company. First, I let them know how much our family likes their product. Then I mention that I am a stay-at-home mom who needs to stick to a budget. Next, I politely ask if they have any coupons available. Finally, I thank them again for such a great product. Here are the results of my little coupon request experiment:

Whole Foods Decidedly Inorganic Over Coupon Redemption

Mitchell’s letter is a great example of how you can stand up to (supermarket) authority, get into an argument, be a smartass, and still walk away with six free can of hippie soda.

Couple Bilks Target For $10,000 With Fake Coupons And Social Engineering

Bad consumer. Bad bad bad. — BEN POPKEN

Pizza Hut Won’t Honor Their Own Apology Coupon

Jillian writes in to tell us about a strange experience she had with a local Pizza Hut. After being put on hold for quite some time, Jillian’s husband (being the comedian of the family) told a hilarious joke that had them all in stitches for at least 6 seconds. It was at this exact moment that Matt, manager of the Pizza Hut, picked up the phone. Did Matt want to be let in on the joke? No. No, he did not.

RecycleBank: Get Coupons For Recycling

RecycleBank: Get Coupons For Recycling

RecycleBank picks up your recyclables and rewards you with, among other offers, Starbucks coupons. While we haven’t tried it, (we live in New York, silly), we think the idea sounds nice.

HOWTO: Keep Track Of Coupons

HOWTO: Keep Track Of Coupons

Provided that you’re able to find any you’re interested in, clipping coupons can be a good exercise in thrift. How then to manage all those tiny slips of paper? Here’s some options.

UPDATED: Office Bait-and-Switch Max

Update: I’m an idiot. I forgot to include her email, then didn’t check. Apologies, guys!

Guilt Starbucks Into Giving You Free Coffee

a href=””>Jake says that if you call 1-(800) 235-2883 and tell Starbucks what stinkers they are for not honoring the iced coffee coupons, they will send you a $5 giftcard.

Starbucks Sued Over Cancelled Free Coffee Coupon

Starbucks Sued Over Cancelled Free Coffee Coupon

AP: “Starbucks Corp. was sued for $114 million Friday over its recall last week of a coupon that entitled the holder to a free large iced drink being promoted by the giant Seattle coffee retailer.

UPDATED: Get A Free Starbucks Iced Coffee. Not Really!

UPDATED: Get A Free Starbucks Iced Coffee. Not Really!

Gaming $5 CVS Coupons For $2 Purchases

CVS has a deal where you earn $5 gift certificates for every two Rolaids or Listerine PocketPacks a customer buys. These items cost about 99 cent each, meaning a profit of $3 per transaction. The deal is unlimited. After a two day wait, you can repeat the process, using the certificates from before to buy the new Rolaids and Listerine, repeat, repeat.

Illiteracy at Barnes & Noble Deflates Coupon

Illiteracy at Barnes & Noble Deflates Coupon

Shouldn’t the base minimum requirement for a Barnes & Noble clerk be the ability to read?

You’re Going Down, Coupon Boy!

You’re Going Down, Coupon Boy!




Don’t say we never do anything for you. Print out these Stella Artois coupons for the privilege of saving negative dollars on your next importesque beer run.

Best Buy Enjoyed By Man

Best Buy Enjoyed By Man

Man goes to Best Buy. Has pleasant time. Universe implodes. Again.