
Domino's Monday-Wednesday Coupons "Aren't Valid On Tuesday"

Domino's Monday-Wednesday Coupons "Aren't Valid On Tuesday"

M: “No, it’s not. I just got it today.”


Walgreens has a printable online coupon for $5 off a purchase of $20 or more, good for tomorrow only. (Thanks to Mike!)

Supermarket Trick: Wait One Month Before Using Coupons

Supermarket Trick: Wait One Month Before Using Coupons

Trent at the Simple Dollar describes the “one month coupon strategy”—a cool trick that lets you line up coupons with in-store sales for massive discounts. Set aside grocery coupons for a month, then go through and select the ones you’re interested in. Bring them to the store and you’ll find that many of them are for products that are now on sale. On Trent’s last visit to the supermarket, approximately 40% of the coupons matched on-sale products—in the most extreme example, he was able to purchase some ice cream for 19 cents.

Is It Morally Wrong To Buy Stolen Starbucks Free Drink Coupons On eBay?

Is It Morally Wrong To Buy Stolen Starbucks Free Drink Coupons On eBay?

Starbucks Gossip has an interesting moral quandary for you Consumerists:

5 Reasons To Fret Over DTV Coupons

5 Reasons To Fret Over DTV Coupons

The federal government continues to bungle the transition to digital television, this time by making it difficult for consumers to redeem subsidy coupons for DTV converter boxes.

Best Buy: Video Games Are Not Toys

Best Buy: Video Games Are Not Toys

Best Buy told Rob that his coupon for 25% off three toys did not apply to video games because video games are not toys. Sad and confused, Rob went home and searched for “toy” on Best Buy’s website. Hop across the jump to see what appeared.


Nearly two million TV converter box coupons have already been requested from the gov’s coupon site. You have until March 31st, 2009 to request one.

$40 Coupons For Digital TV Converter Boxes

$40 Coupons For Digital TV Converter Boxes

If you have an older TV, you may be eligible for two $40 coupon good for the purchase of two digital converter boxes starting Jan 1, 2008. The boxes will probably cost $50-$70. New federal mandates will require all TV signals to go digital and that means you need to get a digital box, buy a digital TV, or subscribe to cable or dish-based programming if you want to watch TV after February 17, 2009. After the first of this year, you can get your coupons by calling 1-888-DTV-2009 or visiting

Eagle-Eyed Safeway Cashier Catches Bobbled Coupon

Reader Amy writes in to praise a Safeway cashier that saved her $1. One dollar might not seem like much, but it shows how little is required for someone to go above and beyond. Amy writes:

I went to my local Safeway today and picked up a package of Boboli bread that had a $1 off coupon attached. I made a mental note to remember to remove the sticker and hand it to the checkout clerk, but forgot.

Circuit City Excluding Whatever It Feels Like From $15 Coupon

Circuit City Excluding Whatever It Feels Like From $15 Coupon

After getting my items added with the sales rep on the phone, when it was time to use the coupon I was again told that it was invalid – this time, however, I was a given a reason. The sales rep told me that the coupon was not good for video games or movies (I was ordering a game and the flight of the conchords DVD). I told the rep that the coupon stated neither video games OR movies as restrictions for use and he got a manager. Three managers and supervisors later, they wouldn’t budge. Needless to say, I didn’t make the purchase through them. I told them that I had previously worked in retail, knew that they had the power to manually take $15 off of my purchase if the coupon wouldn’t go through, and would not be making my purchase unless they honored the coupon as it was stated in their own promotion.

RetailMeNot Firefox Extension AutoFinds Deals For Online Stores You're Visting

RetailMeNot Firefox Extension AutoFinds Deals For Online Stores You're Visting

The RetailMeNot site helps you find coupon codes for tons of different sites online, and now there’s a RetailMeNot Firefox extension to make deal-finding even easier. Sometimes you forget to scope out the coupon code sites for applicable savings before checking out at online retailers. This handy extension gives you a little warning on the top bar if its found coupons for the site you’re currently visiting.

If Your Barbasol Shaving Cream Explodes In Your Shower, You Will Receive Coupons

If Your Barbasol Shaving Cream Explodes In Your Shower, You Will Receive Coupons

Sometimes people are so surprised that they’ve reached an actual human being with their complaint email that they write in and tell us about it. Doesn't Honor 110% Price Guarantee Doesn't Honor 110% Price Guarantee

Shoebuy has a neat 110% discount policy, where they’ll refund you the difference+10% if you find a lower final price (after discounts, tax, shipping, etc.) at a competitor. The only problem is, they take an insurance-claim adjustor’s approach to honoring it—by which we mean, they invent loopholes to void the offer. In one reader’s case, they said that because he used a discount code, his discount wasn’t available to the general public. Therefore his final price didn’t count, case closed, next customer please. The details of their 110% guarantee make zero mention of discount codes or coupons, or of any requirement of public availability. Shoebuy needs to change their policy if they want to take this approach; in the meantime, they should honor their commitment to this customer.

Judge Rules That $19 Coupon Isn't Fair Compensation In Sharper Image Air Purifier Case

Judge Rules That $19 Coupon Isn't Fair Compensation In Sharper Image Air Purifier Case

A judge rejected a settlement that would have granted a $19 Sharper Image coupon to consumers who purchased the Ionic Breeze… and $1.8 million in fees to the lawyers.

Are Americans Addicted To Coupons?

Are Americans Addicted To Coupons?

Alright consumers, Macy’s heard you loud and clear: you want a good deal, not a good price. To celebrate the revelation, Macy’s is proud to announce the return of the coupon. Psychological gratification is yours to clip and snip away, 15%-20% at a shot.

Despite their dowdy image, coupons remain a huge business. In 2006, companies issued 279 billion of them, or roughly 1,000 per person, up 13 percent in four years, according to NCH Marketing Services in Deerfield, Ill.

Start A Coupon Train

Start A Coupon Train

A nifty idea for increasing the benefits of coupons is to start or join a coupon train.

Macy’s Issues Worst Coupon Ever

Macy’s Issues Worst Coupon Ever

Reader David sends us what might be the worst coupon we’ve ever seen. Not because it’s a bad deal, ($10 bucks off regular, sale and clearance is cool; we’re not complaining) but because we broke our brain in two reading the exclusions and conditions.


See if there’s any coupons around for the site you’re viewing with the Coupon Craze Firefox add-on. [Lifehacker]